Jackson Wins the Presidency
Political Conflict and Economic Crisis
Conflict with American Indians
Westward Movement
Settling Oregon Country
New Spain and Independence For Texas
Manifest Destiny in California and the Southwest

Voters were inspired to support the Democratic Party in the election of 1828 mainly because of

A      its ability to focus its attention on the presidency.

B      lingering anger over John Quincy Adams’s presidency.

C      political campaigns that appealed to ordinary people’s concerns.

D      Andrew Jackson’s background in the army, Congress, and as a judge.

C      political campaigns that appealed to ordinary people’s concerns.


Westerners tended to agree with southerners over the issue of

A      tariffs.

B      nullification.

C      states’ rights.

D      the Force Bill.

A      tariffs.


The conflicts between white settlers and American Indians had mainly to do with

A      land.

B      culture.

C      mistrust.

D      various alliances.

A      land.


What is the main reason so many settlers moved west of the Appalachian Mountains in the early 1800s?

A      to create farms and find jobs

B      to increase their independence

C      to be able to make their own laws

D      to be closer to the port of Louisiana

A      to create farms and find jobs


What migration pattern occurred because of the belief that the Great Plains was too dry for farming?

A      Fur traders migrated to the South from the northeast.

B      Settlers who wanted to farm migrated west to Oregon Country.

C      Settlers migrated to the Great Plains from the southern and eastern regions.

D      Spanish settlers decided to lay claim to the more fertile Oregon Country.

B      Settlers who wanted to farm migrated west to Oregon Country.


What were TWO causes of the Mexican-American War?

A      a border dispute

B      the Mexican Cession

C      U.S. annexation of Texas

D      the siege of the Alamo

A      a border dispute


C      U.S. annexation of Texas


Which phrase best defines the term “manifest destiny”?

A      what settlers were fated to endure

B      the superiority of America’s culture

C      Americans’ belief in their right to spread across the continent

D      becoming a world power

C      Americans’ belief in their right to spread across the continent


New political parties, the Whigs and the Democrats, formed as a result of conflict between

A      Adams and Jackson.

B      business owners and farmers.

C      wealthy people and poor people.

D      New Englanders and Southerners.

A      Adams and Jackson.


Nullification is the idea that a state

A      can nullify a tariff.

B      can cancel a federal law.

C      can employ laissez-faire economics.

D      has the right to secede from the Union.

B      can cancel a federal law.


The Proclamation Line of 1763 separated

A      the area over which Tecumseh had power from the rest of the country.

B      areas where white settlers felt safe and areas where they felt endangered.

C      the area in which the British allowed white settlers to settle from that which they did not.

D      the American Indians who sided with the British and those who sided with the Americans.

C      the area in which the British allowed white settlers to settle from that which they did not.


Why were decent roads so necessary for settlers traveling west?

A      They showed settlers the route.

B      Settlers were used to good roads.

C      Many settlers were using wagons.

D      Settlers would not travel without good roads.

C      Many settlers were using wagons.


Why did settlers avoid the plateau between the Cascade Mountains and the Rockies?

A      Hostile American Indians lived there.

B      It was a wild and heavily forested area.

C      It was not fertile land because it was so dry.

D      Fur trappers had already claimed most of the land.

C      It was not fertile land because it was so dry.


Read the quotation.

“I shall never surrender or retreat . . . I call on you in the name of Liberty, of patriotism and everything dear to the American character, to come to our aid, with all dispatch [speed] . . .”

—William B. Travis

How did this message and the events at the Alamo affect Texans?

A      It discouraged Texans who realized the battle had been lost.

B      It encouraged Texans to plead with the United States for support.

C      It reminded Texans that enslaved people would want freedom as well.

D      It inspired Texans to fight Mexico for independence.

D      It inspired Texans to fight Mexico for independence.


Although they lost the war, why might Mexico have thought the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo was of some benefit?

A      The treaty set up formal trade relations between the two countries.

B      The United States allowed continued migration from Mexico.

C      The United States paid Mexico for what is now California and New Mexico.

D      The treaty allowed Mexico to keep what is now Texas.

C      The United States paid Mexico for what is now California and New Mexico.


What was Henry Clay’s most important role in the election of 1824?

A      running as a Republican candidate

B      representing the West in the election

C      persuading House members to vote for John Quincy Adams

D      promoting one of the compromises for which he was famous

C      persuading House members to vote for John Quincy Adams


The main reason that President Jackson wanted the Second Bank of the United States abolished was that he thought it

A      enriched his political enemies.

B      favored New England over the West.

C      was too powerful and was unconstitutional.

D      regulated the lending activities of state banks.

C      was too powerful and was unconstitutional.


Andrew Jackson’s reaction to the decision in Worcester v. Georgia indicates that Jackson defended federal power

A      with all his might.

B      when it suited him.

C      whenever it was challenged.

D      even when it was not challenged.

B      when it suited him.


In general, steamboats were able to travel

A      more safely than other boats.

B      more quickly than other boats.

C      on more rivers than other boats.

D      from more ports than other boats.

B      more quickly than other boats.


Mountain men helped to open the Oregon Country to settlers mainly by

A      establishing forts in the region.

B      working as guides for newcomers.

C      helping to stir up interest in the region.

D      establishing relations with American Indians.

B      working as guides for newcomers.


Which issues increased tensions between the Mexican government and American settlers in Texas? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      slavery

B      religion

C      tariffs

D      water rights

A      slavery


B      religion


Why did Mormons migrate west in the mid-1800s?

A      Joseph Smith had told them to do so.

B      They wanted to be away from the influence of other religions.

C      They believed they were called by God to settle a new land.

D      They were seeking religious freedom.

D      They were seeking religious freedom.


Which of the following describes who could vote by the end of the Age of Jackson?

A      all free men

B      most white men

C      only property owners

D      most free men and women

B      most white men


What were "pet banks"?

A      federal banks closed by Jackson

B      banks that issued loans in the form of paper money

C      state banks into which federal money was deposited

D      banks that helped common people instead of only the wealthy

C      state banks into which federal money was deposited


The Indian Removal Act involved American Indians giving up their land in exchange for

A      new lands farther to the west.

B      payments in money and goods.

C      the choice of living peacefully with settlers or moving.

D      a permanent peace treaty and their choice of other land.

A      new lands farther to the west.


The main purpose of building longer canals in the early 1800s was to

A      connect lakes and rivers.

B      speed up travel in the East.

C      assist westward expansion.

D      help western farmers get goods to market.

D      help western farmers get goods to market.


Why was Independence, Missouri, an important place in the 1840s?

A      It was the edge of the frontier.

B      It was a major center for trade.

C      It was a major rendezvous point for fur trappers and traders.

D      It was the point of departure for settlers using the Oregon Trail.

D      It was the point of departure for settlers using the Oregon Trail.


What inferences can be made about pioneers on the Oregon Trail from this image? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      Pioneers traveled in large groups.

B      Pioneers were guided along the trail by mountain men.

C      Pioneers met and traded with American Indians.

D      Pioneers often traveled on narrow dirt trails.

A      Pioneers traveled in large groups.


D      Pioneers often traveled on narrow dirt trails.


Based on the image, what inference can best be made regarding the lives of American Indians on missions?

A      They shared much of the work with children.

B      They supplied the mission with manual labor.

C      They received lower wages than their white counterparts did.

D      They were forced to abide by the mission’s strict religious practices.

B      They supplied the mission with manual labor.


What is a negative impact of the spoils system?

A      An unqualified person might be given a job.

B      People from different political parties might have to work together.

C      Only men could be appointed to government jobs.

D      Someone appointed by the public official could not be fired from the job.

A      An unqualified person might be given a job.


What happened as a result of bank closures and the Panic of 1837?

A      The nation suffered a significant depression.

B      Laissez-faire economics became more popular.

C      State banks were reopened with government money.

D      The method used to nominate presidential candidates changed.

A      The nation suffered a significant depression.


What was the main reason that the Trail of Tears was such a dreadful journey?

A      It was a long march.

B      The Cherokees did not want to go.

C      The soldiers on the march were cruel.

D      The forced march took place in the winter.

D      The forced march took place in the winter.


How did the Westward movement change women’s roles?

A      Women began to do a wider variety of jobs.

B      Women had a voice in government for the first time.

C      Women gained more educational opportunities.

D      Women got married at a younger age.

A      Women began to do a wider variety of jobs.


Why did settlers on the Oregon Trail travel in groups?

A      They could settle larger tracts of land in Oregon.

B      They could share their supplies and protect each other.

C      They could cross rivers more efficiently.

D      They could travel more quickly through snow-blocked passages.

B      They could share their supplies and protect each other.


Which statement best explains why settlers chose Oregon Country over the Great Plains?

A      The Great Plains was too dry for farming, but most of Oregon Country had mild temperatures and plentiful rainfall.

B      The plateau region of Oregon Country was better for farming than the Great Plains.

C      It was easier to travel to Oregon Country than to the Great Plains.

D      Since there were no American Indians in Oregon Country, it was easier for people to settle there than in the Great Plains.

A      The Great Plains was too dry for farming, but most of Oregon Country had mild temperatures and plentiful rainfall.


Why did many American Indians blend European and American Indian customs?

A      They believed European customs were better than American Indian customs.

B      They were forced to do so by the Supreme Court.

C      They hoped it would help them preserve their land.

D      They wanted to assimilate into white society.

C      They hoped it would help them preserve their land.


Why did many Americans feel that the result of the 1824 election was fraudulent?

A      New laws were enacted requiring voting men to own property, so many lost their right to vote; this resulted in a very low turnout of voters.

B      Because no candidate received a majority of votes, the House of Representatives chose the president from among three candidates; Henry Clay was not allowed on the ballot.

C      Andrew Jackson won the majority of electoral votes, but he did not win the most popular votes; therefore, he did not become president.

D      As Speaker of the House, Henry Clay helped John Quincy Adams become president; later, Adams appointed Clay Secretary of State.

D      As Speaker of the House, Henry Clay helped John Quincy Adams become president; later, Adams appointed Clay Secretary of State.


What caused an economic depression during Martin Van Buren’s presidency?

A      speculators who tried to exchange paper money for gold and silver

B      high tariffs on manufactured goods

C      debts from warfare with American Indians

D      too much government regulation of business

A      speculators who tried to exchange paper money for gold and silver


What was the trail Native Americans were forced to walk?

A Santa Fe Trail

B Trail of Tears

C Oregon Trail

D Mississippi River

B Trail of Tears


How did the economic success of the Erie Canal affect westward expansion?

A      There was an increased demand for laborers to help build similar canals to the west.

B      There was less competition in the West because it was more sparsely populated than the East.

C      The canal system eliminated many of the jobs in the East, forcing people to the West.

D      There were more economic opportunities in the West due to the success of the canal system.

D      There were more economic opportunities in the West due to the success of the canal system.


Who also shared the Oregon Country with the United States?

A France

B Spain

C Britain

D China

C Britain


What possible consequence of U.S. annexation of Texas is supported by the information on the map?

A      If the United States annexed Texas, it would almost certainly mean war with Mexico.

B      If the United States annexed Texas, it would enter as a free state and anger Southerners.

C      If the United States annexed Texas, slave states would almost certainly outnumber free states.

D         If the United States annexed Texas, it would jeopardize the country’s other claims in California.

C      If the United States annexed Texas, slave states would almost certainly outnumber free states.


How was life in the West different from life in the East in the early 1800s? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      Women enjoyed greater equality in the West.

B      Settlers in the West had better relations with American Indians.

C      People in the West tended to be less religious.

D      There were fewer class distinctions in the West.

A      Women enjoyed greater equality in the West.


D      There were fewer class distinctions in the West.


What were some of the effects of Andrew Jackson’s presidency? Choose the TWO correct answers.

A      end of the spoils system

B      increased voter turnout

C      establishment of a national bank

D      growth of the Democratic Party

B      increased voter turnout


D      growth of the Democratic Party


Which statement best explains how the conflict over the Tariff of 1828 was resolved?

A      The U.S. Supreme Court ruled against the tariff.

B      Daniel Webster gave a speech to the Senate and the tariff was repealed.

C      South Carolina passed the Nullification Act, which canceled the tariff outright.

D      Henry Clay proposed a compromise tariff that eventually eased tensions.

D      Henry Clay proposed a compromise tariff that eventually eased tensions.


What were some of the effects of the Indian Removal Act? Choose the three correct answers.

A      It expanded slavery to new territories.

B      It relocated American Indians to less fertile land.

C      It increased the population of American Indians east of the Mississippi.

D      It resulted in the deaths of thousands of American Indians.

A      It expanded slavery to new territories.

B      It relocated American Indians to less fertile land.


D      It resulted in the deaths of thousands of American Indians.


Based on this early illustration of Cherokee Pass in the Rocky Mountains, which of the following was most likely to be a concern to many settlers traveling on the Oregon Trail?

A      sickness

B      flooding

C      early snows

D         blistering heat

C      early snows


Which of the following best reflects the role that mountain men had in the expansion into Oregon Country?

A      Their superior trapping and trading skills stimulated the new region’s economy.

B      Many built shelters for westward travelers to keep warm during the winter months.

C      Many used their knowledge of the terrain to help settlers make it through the mountains.

D      They would protect white settlers from American Indian groups so they could safely reach the new region.

C      Many used their knowledge of the terrain to help settlers make it through the mountains.


Which of the following was a result of the Mexican-American War?

A      It united Americans against a common enemy.

B      It gained the respect of European nations for America’s military power.

C      It enabled the United States to annex Texas.

D      It gave the United States territory known as the Mexican Cession.

D      It gave the United States territory known as the Mexican Cession.


What was a major difference in the settlement of Utah and the settlement of California?

A      Utah was settled by Mormons hoping to escape religious persecution.

B      Utah was settled in an effort to make the desert region’s land sustainable.

C      Utah was settled by eager prospectors looking to gain wealth by mining gold.

D      Utah was settled as a way to strike a political balance between the East and the West.

A      Utah was settled by Mormons hoping to escape religious persecution.