Key Figures
Documents of the Revolutions
He led the slave revolt that ended French control over the island colony called Haiti
Who is Toussaint L'Ouverture
The written contract between the United States's citizens, and the U.S. government. It was created to outline federal law, and define a new system of democracy.
The U.S. Constitution
A person of mixed ancestry
What is a mulatto
The attack on this prison, used by the king to imprison political enemies, is considered the beginning of the French Revolution. The prison had only 7 prisoners at the time, but it had lots of gunpowder
What is the Storming of the Bastille

Who launched the movement for independence in modern-day Mexico?

Father Hidalgo

He was known as the "George Washington" of South America, and led many Latin American colonies towards revolution during the early 1800's
Who is Simon Bolivar
The first 10 Amendments, or additions to, the U.S. Constitution. This guarantees rights of the individual.
What is the Bill of Rights
A French Colony whose independence movement was led by Toussaint Louverture
What is Haiti

The time period where Maximilian Robespierre and his Committee of Public Safety executed enemies of the Revolution all across France. The executions became disorderly and unlawful very quickly.

What is the Reign of Terror

The Enlightenment is about creating a form of government that gains its authority from the consent of who
What is consent of the governed

Led and encouraged the Reign of Terror during the dictatorship known as the Committee of Public Safety

Who is Maximilian Robespierre

A French version of the Declaration of Independence. It was written to eliminate the Estates General and set up a democracy in France based on the ideas of equality and the Enlightenment.
What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man
A tax on all trade of goods and communication in the American Colonies. A major catalyst for the American Revolution
What is the Stamp Act
A reaction to an increase tax on the price of tea, American Colonists dumped 350 chests of British tea into Boston harbor
What is the Boston Tea Party

Which revolution is most associated with the abolishment of slavery?

The Haitian Revolution

Was the king of France during the Storming of the Bastille, the beginning of the French Revolution. His palace was in Versailles, but he was forced to move to Paris where he signed over most of his power before being executed via guillotine
Louis the XVI
An old law codex from 1215 under King John of Great Britain, that used the phrase, "No taxation without representation." The American Colonies used this line as justification for the American Revolution.
What is the Magna Carta
A group of representatives, called to meet by King Louis the XVI, which was set up in three different chambers, each constituting one of the following three classes in society: the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else.
What is the Estates General
While the Spanish and French were busy fighting during the rise of Napoleon, colonists in South America became more frustrated with European rule and followed the lead given by the American and French Revolutions.
What are the Latin American Revolutions

This war strategy, used by the Russian army, entails troops destroying their own land as they retreat to prevent the enemy from using it

What is "scorched earth"?

Took over France after the beheading of Maximilian Robespierre. Was a military hero and general, loved and supported by the French people who hoped he would bring stability to the nation.
Who is Napoleon Bonaparte
A list of grievances directed at King George III, written by Thomas Jefferson, explaining why the American Colonies should leave the British Empire
What is the Declaration of Independence
The idea that kings rule by God's will, and that their power is derived from the heavens
What is Divine Right of Kings

What did the Tennis Court Oath establish?

That the National Assembly wouldn’t dissolve until they had created a constitution


Simón Bolívar’s “Gran Colombia” encompassed the modern states of _______________.

Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Panama