On this day, God created light.
the first day
God created the world in this many days.
six days
who was the first man God created
Adam and Eve lived in this beautiful place.
Garden of Eden
This was the very first animal that talked in the Bible.
God made plants and trees on this day
third day
Noah's flood lasted this many days and nights.
This woman was made from Adam’s rib
Adam and Eve ate fruit from this tree, even though God told them not to.
Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
God created this big bright thing in the sky to shine during the day.
Birds and fish were created on this day.
fifth day
The Bible says a man named Methuselah lived the longest—this many years
He built a huge boat to survive the flood.
Adam and Eve had this many sons mentioned in the Bible.
three (Cain, Abel, and Seth)
The first job God gave Adam was to name these.
God made humans on this day.
sixth day
The number of people saved on Noah’s Ark.
This man had so many animals on his ark
The first two sons of Adam and Eve were named this.
Cain and Abel
This big flood covered the whole Earth.
Noah’s flood
God rested on this special day.
seventh day.
Many Bible scholars estimate the Earth to be about this many years old.
6,000 years
He was the first son of Adam and Eve.
This son of Adam and Eve continued their family line after Abel.
After the flood, God made this appear in the sky as a promise.
a rainbow