What is said in each Prayer?
Fill in the Blank (100 EXTRA)

We thank the Lord because the __ passed in peace and He has brought us to the beginning of ____?

night, day (Daylight)

(We pray that He helps us to begin our day in a good way and to be the children of Light and complete this day with righteousness and purity)


What hour is this? (300 EXTRA PTS What do we commemorate during this hour?)

11th Hour (Body of the Lord was taken down from the cross anointed with spices and wrapped in linen)


What is one prayer always said in each hour every time no matter what?

The Lord's Prayer (Our Father)


Have mercy upon me O God according to your ____ and according to the multitude of Your compassions blow out my iniquity?

Great Mercy (Psalm 50)


What is this hour and what special movement do we perform while we pray "Come let us kneel down" in this hour?

1st Hour and Matanias

(Renewing covenant with God, living in faith and asking for his mercies as they are new each morning)


The Vespers is a prayer of ___, which is the basis of our spiritual life?


(By the end of the day, it is better for us to remember our sins in which we might have fallen on purpose or accidentally and promise the Lord that we try to make up for any mistake we made during the day and that we will work actively in the remaining part of the day.)


Which prayer pronounces and declares our entire faith? (100 EXTRA PTS What is the prayer usually before it?)

The Orthodox Creed (Introduction to the Creed: We exalt you O Mother of the True Light)

(Faith is the basis of our fellowship with God. God does not accept the prayers of the evil people or the hypocrites.)


For you have covered us, ____ us, ____ us, accepted us to Yourself, spared us, supported us, and have brought us to this hour?

Helped, Guarded (Prayer of Thanksgiving)


Which is the first psalm prayed in this hour (100 EXTRA PTS if you can begin the psalm)?

Psalm 1 ("Blessed is the man who has not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, and has not stood in the way of sinners...")

(Invitation for practical Christian behavior amidst the evildoers whom we may meet in our daily living)


Which psalm is this? "Unto You I have lifted up my eyes, O You who dwell in the heavens..."

Psalm 122

(We must raise our hearts to God with caution and hope at the same time)


What is the final prayer after each hour and how does it begin?

Conclusion of Every Hour: "Have mercy on us O God, and have mercy on us, Who at all times and in Every Hour"

(We pray that at this and each hour, He may accept our requests and answer us. We pray that He may consecrate our souls and bodies, our thoughts and intention and heal our diseases and forgive our sins)


Absolve forgive and remit O God our _____, those which we have committed ____ and those which we have committed _____?

Transgressions, Willingly, Unwillingly (Holy, Holy, Holy)


What is the beginning of this hour's gospel? (100 EXTRA PTS Who wrote this gospel?)

"In the beginning was the Word" (St. John)

(By the beginning of the day, we remember the eternity of Christ and His coming to us incarnated on earth)


What does this gospel talk about? (100 Extra PTS Who wrote this gospel?)

Simon Peter's Wife's mother (mother-in-law) was sick with a great fever (St. Luke)

(Jesus went to Peter’s house, touched her hand and the fever left her, and drove out evil spirits of many with a word and healed the sick, working all the time, in the morning and at sunset... Every moment in our life is a chance for us to do a good deed.)


Why do we pray the absolution in each hour?

For the Lord to forgive us our sins


And he was _____ for us under _____ ______, suffered and buried, and on the ____ day, he ___ from the dead according to the Scriptures (500 Ex?)

Crucified, Pontias Pilate, third, rose (Orthodox Creed)


In the Litanies, we pray that God is the...?

True Light/Light of the World

(God cannot be seen by the eye but by the heart. We remember the Lord’s good deed with St. Mary and the gift of the Holy Spirit and the grace of the Son)


In the absolution: "O God accept our glorification which is offered now, and save us from the ___, and abolish all the snares against us"?

"Trickeries of the adversaries" 

(Those who magnify themselves will receive their good things in their lifetime so shame and contempt will be their destiny)


For each hour, we pray "Kyrie Leyson" (Lord Have mercy) how many times and why that many times?

41 (39 lashes, the crown of thorns and the stabbings with the spear)

(We put our sins on Christ’s back and ask for His mercy thus we come out as righteous)


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, who was (1) ___, have mercy upon us (2) ____, have mercy upon us (3) ____ have mercy upon us?

Born of the virgin, crucified for us, rose from the dead and ascended into the heavens (The Trisagion)