In a few words, what is the Albedo Effect?
The Albedo Effect is something that shows the ability for objects to reflect sunlight.
Give three examples of things with high Albedo.
Many answers are correct however they must be light objects like snow or sand.
If 60% of the sunlight is reflected, how would it look on the Albedo scale?
The Albedo would be 0.6
What are people who study the atmosphere called?
A meteorologist
Where could you go to see an example of low Albedo?
Downtown, Forest, Parking Lot, etc.
What has the highest Albedo? Fresh Snow, Water, a road, or a black T-shirt.
Fresh Snow.
What language is the word Albedo from?
Give me three examples of foods with high Albedo.
Sugar, Salt, Bananas, etc.
What does it mean for an object to have a high Albedo?
If something has a high Albedo then it is a light surface, which can reflect light very well, such as a white roof or snow.
Does a polar bear have low or high Albedo?
What does it mean for something to have low Albedo.
If an object has low Albedo it is a darker surface, which cannot reflect light very well, like a road, or a black car.
What range is Albedo measured between?
What does Albedo mean in English?
From Latin it directly translates to whiteness.
Which of these have the lowest Albedo? Snow, Sand, A Daisy, The Pacific Ocean.
The Pacific Ocean.
If all the ice and snow in the world melted, would there still be Albedo?
Yes there would be, however there would be a lot less.
True or False. Albedo is an effect which causes harmful gases to be reflected off the earth.
Does Venus have high Albedo?
Yes it does at 0.60.
Which planet has the lowest Albedo?
Mercury, at a whopping 0.09
Give me one pasta that somewhat rhymes with Albedo.
Fettuccine Alfredo
True or False. The Albedo Effect is one of the main causes of global warming.
What are five objects in your home that have a high Albedo?
Any lightly coloured surface or object is a good answer.
Does the president's of America's suit have high or low Albedo?
Low, because it is navy blue, or black.
Does the Albedo Effect effect everything?
Does the moon have high Albedo?
No, it only has an Albedo of 0.07.
What place would have more Albedo? Antarctica, or the United Kingdom?