Lab report
The Carbon Cycle

How does the melting of sea ice affecting global warming?

Fewer light surfaces are available to reflect sunlight back into the atmosphere using the albedo effect. Therefore the earth will warm up.


What paper should you write the lab report on?

The long lined paper.


Can penguins fly?



What is the carbon cycle?

The carbon cycle is the process that moves carbon between plants, animals, and minerals in the earth, and the atmosphere.


If the arctic ice didn't freeze over in the summer how would that effect us?

You would be replacing a white layer of ice with the black of the arctic sea and that would lessen the albedo effect even more.


Why should you conduct an experiment twice?

You could get better results. For example if you place a ice on a black cloth and a white cloth and you are trying to see which one melts faster but you did the experiment on a cold day but you try it again on a hot day. the results will be different.


Are frogs mammals?

They are amphibians 


What is Greenhouse gases?

Greenhouse gases are gases in the earth's atmosphere that trap heat.


What is the scale used to measure albedo?

An albedometer is a device that measures the albedo of a surface.

Why is a well worded question important?

It's important because if another person is looking at your experiment it will make sense to them


how does albedo affect the clouds

Because a cloud usually has a higher albedo than the surface beneath it, the cloud reflects more shortwave radiation back to space than the surface would in the absence of the cloud, thus leaving less solar energy available to heat the surface and atmosphere.


What is the impact of greenhouse gases have on the earth?

The greenhouse effect keeps the Earth's temperature warmer than it would otherwise be.


If the Earth has a higher albedo, is it more reflective or less reflective?

It means that the Earth is more reflective

Why is it important to take measurements?

It's important because you could have just written down 5. That 5 could be 5 meters, 5 km, 5%, or 5 grams.

Which cloud has the highest albedo?

Cumulonimbus clouds have the highest albedo. Cumulonimbus clouds are menacing looking clouds, extending high into the sky in towers or plumes.


How do humans impact the carbon cycle?

Humans have a huge effect on the carbon cycle when we burn wood, fossil fuels (such as oil, coal, and natural gas), and other forms of carbon. This action releases the stored carbon into the atmosphere, where it becomes a greenhouse gas. Greenhouse gases are gases in the atmosphere that absorb and release heat.


 How is reflectivity in the Arctic being threatened?

The melting of sea ice and global warming


How many points of data should you have in a Lab Report?

Five or more


What cloud has the lowest albedo

Cirrus clouds have the lowest albedo. They are short, detached, hair-like clouds found at high altitudes. These delicate clouds are wispy, with a silky sheen, or look like tufts of hair.


How does deforestation effect the carbon cycle

When deforestation occurs, much of the carbon stored by trees is released back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide, which contributes to climate change.