This "whip-like" structure enable Euglenoids to swim around their freshwater habitats
What is the Flagellum?
This internal lattice of cellulose plates give Dinoflagellates structural support
What is the Theca?
This would be needed to view most Diatoms, as they are unicellular
What is a Microscope?
These three common structures in brown Algae are similar to stems, leaves, and roots found in non-water flowers and plants
What are the Stipes, Blades, and Holdfasts?
What are Dinoflagellates?
This indentation houses the two flagella that are attached to a Euglenoid of the genus Euglena
What is the Reservoir?
What is Bioluminescence?
This is the name for the silica-containing cell walls of diatoms
What is a Frustule?
These structures in brown algae allow them to float easily
What are Pneumatocysts?
What are Zooxanthellae?
This network of contractile proteins allows Euglenoids to wriggle and squirm
What is the Pellicle?
These are the two types of grooves that Dinoflagellates use to house their flagella
What are Transverse and Longitudinal Grooves?
Diatoms are responsible for this percent of the world's total photosynthetic production
What is 25%?
These two substances are extracted from brown and red algae for commercial use in various products
What are Alginate and Agar?
The largest species of kelp can grow up to this size
What is eighty meters long?
This light-sensitive spot detects the direction of light for Euglenoids
What is the Stigma or Eyespot?
We studied these kinds of Dinoflagellates, differentiated by their ability to "self-feed"
What are Autotrophs?
Dead algal cells become this type of earth when they sink to bottom of their aquatic habitats
What is Diatomaceous Earth (or Ooze)?
There are more than 17,000 species found within this group of algae
What is Green Algae (Chlorophyta)?
This species of Algae cause red tides to occur when they experience super blooms in nutrient-rich waters
What is Karenia breve?
When Euglenoids fill up with too much water, they use this structure to spew out the excess liquid
What is the Contractile Vacuole?
Dinoflagellates play this key role in their ecosystems while photosynthesizing
What are Oxygen-Generators?
What are Valves?
This group of algae can live over 800 feet deep below sea level because of the ease with which blue-green light penetrates water
What is Red Algae (Rhodophyta)?
These are the three common names for large multicellular species of Green Algae (all of which are fairly silly)
What are Dead Man's Fingers, Sea Lettuce, and Mermaid's Wine Glass?