What do bees make from nectar?
What is honey?
How do bees tell each other where to find flowers?
What is the waggle dance?
How do bees help fruits and vegetables grow?
What is pollination?
How many wings does a bee have?
What is four?
What is the main job of the worker bees?
What is gathering nectar and building the hive?
What do worker bees use to carry nectar?
What are their honey stomachs?
What happens if bees disappear?
What is fewer plants and less food?
How fast can a bee fly?
What is about 15 mph?
What is the queen bee’s role in the colony?
What is laying eggs?
What sense do bees use to find flowers?
What is their sense of smell?
Name one way people can help bees.
What is planting bee-friendly flowers?
What do bees do in winter?
What is huddle together to stay warm?
What do drones do in a bee colony?
What is help the queen?
What type of flower colors do bees like best?
What are blue, yellow, and purple?
What can harm bee populations?
What are pesticides, habitat loss, and climate change?
How many flowers does a bee visit in one trip?
What is up to 100?
What is the name of the process where bees help plants grow by spreading pollen?
What is pollination?
How do bees recognize their own hive?
What is by scent?)
What does a beekeeper do?
What is take care of bees and collect honey?
What is the life cycle of a bee?
What is egg, larva, pupa, adult?