Let's meet at the Liberty Tree!
It's not you it's tyranny.
They're in the trees. (Prequel)
What if we put a government in your government so you could govern while you govern?

What did the British Parliament levy on Colonists without their consent? 



What is a “self-evident” truth?

Something that is obvious.


What advantages did Britain have during the War of Independence?

Large Army

More $$$


Who is considered to be the father of the constitution?

James Madison


What did the Proclamation Act of 1763 attempt to do?

Block colonists from expanding westward.

Prevent colonists from moving into lands gained during the French & Indian War.


What does “unalienable” mean?

Can not be given or taken away.


What were the advantages that the Americans had during the War of Independence?

Homecourt Advantage

George Washington

Fighting for an important cause


What was the first national government of the United States?

Articles of Confederation


What was the Stamp Act?

The act required the colonists to pay a tax, represented by a stamp, on various forms of papers, documents, and playing cards.


From where does a government derive its just powers?

Consent of the Governed

The People


What was the name of the Prussian military commander, that was recruited by Washington and Franklin, that helped the American military create drills, barracks, strategies, etc. That put them on par with the British military?

Baron Von Steuben 


What did the Anti-Federalists request to be added to the constitution? 

Bill of Rights


Who incited the violence at the Boston Massacre?

The Americans


Under which circumstances may someone overthrow their government?

When a government becomes destructive to these ends.

Preventing life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.


Why was the Battle of Saratoga so significant?

Helped secure the foreign support needed to win the war.


Who has the supreme power? The states or national government?

SUPREMACY CLAUSE – U.S. Constitution is supreme law of the land

National Government


According to Thomas Paine, how does the colonies’ connection to Great Britain negatively impact the colonists economically?

If Great Britain got involved in a conflict the colonies will be associated. Which will cause countries to not trade with them.


According to the Declaration, what actions involving the military has this person carried out against the colonists?

Raided the ports

Declared War

Quartering of soldiers (Keeping soldiers in colonies)


What treaty ended the American Revolution?

Treaty of Paris 1783


What was the 3/5 Compromise?

Slaves would count as 3/5 a person for the House of Representatives and for tax purposes