Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4
Category 5

Which of these was an outcome of the French and Indian War?

A. France defeated Great Britain

B. British Territory was Reduced

C. Relations between colonists and Great Britain improved

D. The British went deeply into debt

D. The British went deeply into debt


What was the purpose of the Proclamation of 1763?

A. To punish colonists

B. To make money for the war

C. To reward Native Americans

D. To protect the colonists

D. To protect the colonists


How did the colonists react to the Stamp Act?

A. They considered it fair

B. They ignored it

C. They disliked it but went along with it

D. They protested until it was repealed

D. They protested until it was repealed


Which contributed to the anger that led to the Boston Massacre?

A. The Quatering Act

B. The Townshend Acts

C. The Stamp Act

D. All of the Above

D. All of the above


Ben Franklin was a patriot because he:

A. was willing to fight

B. obeyed laws

C. wanted independence

D. was loyal to the king

C. wanted independence


Rich landowners, governors, and religious leaders were often:

A. neutral

B. loyalists

C. patriots

D. red coats

B. loyalists


Which of the following colonists would most likely have agreed with this statement: "British laws and taxes are unfair to the colonies"?

A. Mercy Otis Warren

B. Lord Dunmore

C. a neutral colonist

D. Jonathan Boucher

A. Mercy Otis Warren


At the beginning of the American Revolution, British troops fought against:

A. knights on horseback

B. hired foreign soldiers

C. colonial militias and minutemen

D. a strong central army

C. colonial militias and minutemen


Overthrowing one government and replacing it with another is called:

A. a strategy

B. a revolution

C. a turnover

D. an enlistment

B. a revolution


Why was it hard for the British to replace troops and supplies?

A. their homeland was far away

B. they made the Loyalists angry

C. their army was poorly trained

D. Parliament would not pay them

A. their homeland was far away


Why was it hard for the British to replace troops and supplies?

A. They made the loyalists angry

B. Parliament would not pay them

C. Their homeland was far away

D. Their army was poorly trained 

C. their homeland was far away


Which phrase describes a tactic of the Continental Army?

A. desire to win

B. food and supplies

C. control of key cities

D. surprise attacks

D. surprise attacks


How did some allies help the Continental Army?

A. supplied soldiers and warships

B. borrowed money from colonists 

C. joined up with Native Americans

D. captured Canada from the British

A. supplied soldiers and warships


Why is the Battle of Saratoga considered a turning point?

A. The colonial victory persuaded France to give more help

B. The British government took Florida from Spain

C. The British agreed to end the war

D. George Washington defeated the German mercenaries

A. The colonial victory persuaded France to give more help 


What was the First Continental Congress?

A. the meeting of delegates from 12 colonies

B. the treaty between different colonies

C. the laws passed against colonies

D. the lawmakers of the British government

A. the meeting of delegates from 12 colonies


Why did many colonists boycott tea and paper?

A. to make their own goods at home

B. to punish storekeepers

C. to save money for future needs

D. to protest taxes on those items

D. to protest taxes on those items


Benjamin Franklin tried to persuade the British government to:

A. free enslaved Africans

B. grant the colonies independence

C. treat the colonies fairly

D. give women colonists more rights

C. treat the colonies fairly


An important task facing the Second Continental Congress was to: 

A. shut down the Continental Army

B. organize the colonies for war

C. find ways to make the king happy

D. make treaties with Native American tribes

B. organize the colonies for war


The booklet Common Sense persuaded American colonists to:

A. remain loyal to the British

B. ask for help from the king

C. want independence

D. forget about politics

C. want independence


Which of these ideas was in the Declaration of Independence?

A. All rights can be taken away

B. Great Britain has ruled the colonies unfairly

C. People should obey governments even when they are unfair

D. Women and men are equal

B. Great Britain has ruled the colonies unfairly


Which if these was not an outcome of the Treaty of Paris?

A. The army freed the people it enslaved

B. The new nation got huge amounts of land

C. Thousands of Loyalist fled

D. Great Britain recognized the United States

A. the army freed the people it enslaved



What does this famous cartoon drawn by Benjamin Franklin represent?

 A symbol to help persuade colonists to rise up against the British, and promote colonial unity.