Famous Figures
Acts of Parliament
Key Events
Professor's Choice


An American silversmith and industrialist. Famously known for his "Midnight Ride" of the Massachusetts countryside? 

Paul Revere


This acts placed duties on common items like glass, lead, and paint, and tea.

Townshend Acts (1767)


The first engagement of the American Revolution on April 19, 1775. Known for the "shot heard around the world."

Lexington & Concord


This event saw 5 colonists shot and killed by British Soldiers. 

Boston Massacre


This event angered the colonists because it gave land west of the Appalachian Mountains to the Native Americans. 

The Proclamation Line of 1763


He was the King of England during the American Revolution.

King George III


This act was issued to combat the widespread smuggling of molasses in New England. Also, the first law specifically aimed to raise money for the crown.

Sugar Act (1764)


Considered the most important battle of the Revolutionary War. Following this battle, France becomes an ally and officially declares war on Britain. 

Battle of Saratoga


This event saw American colonists protest the British East India Tea Company ships in Boston Harbor. They dressed as Native Americans and dumped over 92,000 pounds of tea into Boston Harbor. 

The Boston Tea Party


This is a term used to describe an American colonist who sided with the British during the Revolutionary War era. 



Voted to be the Commander in Chief of the Continental Army.

George Washington


This act was a direct response to the Boston Tea Party which saw: the closing of Boston Harbor and the outlawing of town meetings.

Coercive/Intolerable Acts


This was the last major battle of the American Revolution in which, through naval support from the French intercepting British supplies and Washington's army cutting off the British on land secured victory for the Continental Army.

Battle of Yorktown


This treaty officially ends the American Revolution. It recognizes the colonies' independence and grants the United States significant land in the west. 

Treaty of Paris (1783)


They played an essential part in the Non-Consumption Movement. 


This person is an American political philosopher and is considered a Founding Father. He is also the founder of the group the Sons of Liberty.

Samuel Adams


This act prevented the colonies from printing their own money. 

Currency Act (1764)


This battle on December 31, 1775 was a failed Canadian invasion in which most American forces were forced to retreat due to disorganization and blizzard conditions.

Battle of Quebec


This popular publication published by Thomas Paine made a clear case for independence and directly attacked the political, economic, and ideological obstacles to achieving it. 

Common Sense


Approximately how many militiamen were lost in the initial skirmish at Lexington Green?



He is credited for his success in taking Fort Ticonderoga. Also known for being a traitor and would later take the side of the British as an informant.

Benedict Arnold


This act was a tax on printed materials such as newspapers, legal documents, and playing cards. 

Stamp Act (1765)


This battle was part of the Southern Campaign. It forced General Cornwallis to give up his efforts in South Carolina and make his way into North Carolina. 

Battle of Cowpens


Meeting of delegates in Philadelphia on May 10, 1775. Here, they vote George Washington as Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. 

2nd Continental Congress

Name one of the two things that the Battle of Trenton & Princeton did.

Restore hope in the Continental Army & Establish the Washington mystic.