the tax required colonists to buy a special stamp for paper goods
what is the Stamp Act?
The first battle of the American Revolution
what is the Battle of Lexington and Concord?
The commander of the continental army
who is George Washington?
The date that the Declaration of Independence was adopted
What is July 4, 1776?
The name of the army the colonists formed to fight the British
what is the Continental army?
The law that forced colonists to let British soldiers live in their homes
what is the Quartering Act?
The turning point of the war that convinced France to help the colonists
What is the Battle of Saratoga?
The writer of the pamphlet Common Sense, which convinced many people to support independence
who is Thomas Paine?
The city in which the Declaration of Independence was signed
what is Philadelphia ?
The name of the treaty that officially ended the war
what is the Treaty of Paris?
The slogan used by colonists to protest British taxes
what is “no taxation without representation” ?
The final battle where the British surrendered
what is the Battle of Yorktown?
The main author of the Declaration of Independence
who is Thomas Jefferson?
The main idea of the Declaration of Independence
what is that all people have rights and should be free from British rule?
The country that helped the Americans by sending supplies, soldiers, and ships
what is France?
The event in 1770 that led to British soldiers killing 5 colonists in Boston
what is the Boston Massacre?
The name of the winter camp where Washington’s army suffered but also trained to become stronger
what is Valley Forge?
who is King George III?
The three natural rights listed in the Declaration of Independence
what are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness ?
The term for colonists who remained loyal to Britain
who are Loyalists (or Tories) ?
The name of the group that organized protests and boycotts against the British
who are the Sons of Liberty?
The battle that showed that the colonists could stand up to the British, even though they lost this battle
what is the Battle of Bunker Hill?
The teacher who taught you so much during this chapter of your US History class, and is the absolute best
who is Anna Gross?
The group of people who were left out of the rights mentioned in the Declaration of Independence
who are women, enslaved people, and Native Americans?
The proclamation that prevented colonists from moving west of the Appalachian mountains to avoid conflict with the Native Americans
what is the Proclamation of 1763?