What was the 2 starting battles called
Lexington and Concrod
Who was the leader of the contenential
George Washington
What was first tax
sugar act
What happened in the Boston Harbor
Boston tea party
What was the army that George Washington led
The Continental Army
What was the battle after Lexington and Concord.
Battle of Bunker hill.
Who woke up all the American soilders before the battle of Lexington.
Paul Rever
What was the third tax
tea act
What happened in Boston and it killed 5 people
Boston Massacer.
Who was Molly Pitcher
she was a woman who took over a canon after her husband was shot.
What was the last battle
Battle of Yorktown
What is the name of the king in England
King George the 3rd
What was the second tax
stamp act
What was the treaty of Paris.
A piece of writing that made freedom in the United States of America.
What happened at Trenton
George Washington launched a surprise attack on 1,400 Hessian troops.
What was the battle that changed the war
The battle of Saratoga
Who wrote the Declaration of Indepenedce
Thomas Jeferson
what happened with the 4 tax
People stopped buying food and clothes and supplies and they made there own stuff.
What happened at Valley Forge
Some soldiers died of lack of food and water or even sickness. Supplies were also very low. And Martha Washington came and helped the sick soldiers.
Who helped the American army in the war
The French army
What was the biggest battle in the Revolution
The battle of long Iland
Who wrote the Treaty of Paris
John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, and John Jay
What was the Intolerable act
The Intolerable act was colonists had to take care of British soldiers
What was Common sense
Common sense was a piece of writing that said the United States of America should be free from Britain.
What happened with the ships Bonhomme Richard and Serapis
Bonhomme Richard destoryed the Serapis at see