True or False
Name That Feeling
Change That Thought
Thinking Traps
Coping Skills

Therapy is a place for me to talk about my thoughts and feelings to help me feel better.


Double Points: Share what is your favorite thing about therapy?


A feeling of threat or danger


Double Points: Share a time you felt scared.


"I bet the first day of school is going to be the worst day ever."

Example: "I can be nervous for my first day of school, that's normal.  I bet there will be one fun thing about the day.  Maybe wearing my new clothes!"


You hear a loud noise in the middle of the night.  You start thinking there is someone in the house who is going to take all the electronics and start feeling scared which makes it hard for you to fall asleep.  What thinking trap was this?

Blowing Things Up!


Practice the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique!

5 thing you see, 4 things you are touching, 3 things you hear, 2 things you smell, 1 thing you taste

Name all of them and you get the points!


Anxiety lasts forever.

False!  Anxiety is a feeling and no feeling lasts forever because feelings come and go!


A feeling of having done something bad, even if you haven't.


Double Points: Share a time you felt guilty.


"I know those new kids are going to be mean and not like me."

Example: "I can't predict the future!  I'm super cool so why wouldn't they like me?"

Double Points: What thinking trap is this?


The whole class gets in trouble for being loud and the teacher gives everyone detention.  You think "everybody should just be quiet all the time!" which makes you feel angry and you begin to give your friends mean looks.  What thought trap was this?

Should Statements 


Show off how to do Starfish Breathing

Double the points: when is a good time to use starfish breathing?


Thinking traps are super easy to get out of.

False!  Getting out of a thinking trap can be super tough!


A feeling of uncertainty over actual or potential problems, similar to anxiety or fear


Double Points: Share a time you felt worried.


"My new hair looks so different, I bet people are going to make fun of me."

Example: "I bet my friends and teacher will like my new hair.  I like my hair, and that's what matters most!"


You tell yourself you have to be perfect at your math test otherwise you aren't smart.  This makes you feel extra anxious before school.  What thought trap is this?

Setting The Bar Too High


You're having a bad day at school where nothing is going right.  You keep telling yourself, "this is the worst day ever!" What would be a good way to make the day better?

Example coping skills: talk to your parents, take some deep breaths, write or draw it out, go outside and get some fresh air, go to your Calming Corner


Sometimes I feel more than one feeling and I can feel all mixed up.


Double Points: Share a time you had mixed feelings or more than one feeling at a time.


A tense feeling of being easily alarmed or agitated, especially in anticipation of something


Double Points: Share a time you felt nervous


"My friend is upset, it must be all my fault."

Example: "My friend is upset, I wonder what is wrong?  I bet I can help her feel better!"

Double Points: What thinking trap is this?


You are about to go to a birthday party for your best friend.  You bought her a gift you thought she would like, but before you leave for the party, you start thinking, "I don't think she's going to like this gift. And this party is probably going to be boring."  What thinking trap is this?

Fortune Telling


True or False: All the same coping strategies work great for everyone.

False!  Some coping skills work for some people, some don't.  We have to find which ones we like best and work best for us!

A triangle is the shape we can use to notice how our thoughts make us feel and behave.



An uneasy, uncomfortable feeling often related to worry and fear


Double Points: Share a time you felt anxious.


"Something bad is going to happen to my parents while I'm out."

Example: "My parents can take care of themselves and nothing bad has happened before so it will probably be fine."

Double Points: What thinking trap is this?


Your friend looks upset after school and won't talk to you.  You think, "I bet she's mad at me and doesn't want to be my friend anymore."  What thinking trap is this?

Mind Reading


What is your favorite coping skills to use when you are feeling anxious, worried, or nervous? 

Any honest answer counts!

Double Points: SHOW us how you practice this coping skill!