He was Simon Peter's Brother
What were Peter, Andrew, James and John before Jesus called them to be his apostles
They were fishermen
A person who is sent out as a representative of someone else. Jesus chose 12 men to be this for him. They preached Jesus' message of salvation and worked miracles in His name. Jesus gave them special authority and made them the first leaders of the church
"Come Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men"
Who is our bishop
Bishop Michael Martin
He betrayed Jesus
Judas Iscariot
Who was fishing with Peter
His brother, Andrew
The leader of a particular diocese and the primary teacher of the Catholic faith there. He makes the Sacraments available to the people of the diocese. These men are the successors to the Apostles and safeguard the teachings of the Church to ensure they are handed on faithfully through the generations.
"Depart from me Lord, I am a sinful man"
Who is our pope
Pope Francis
He was known as the "Doubter" because he said he wouldn't believe that Jesus rose from the dead unless he touched the holes in his hands and side
What did Jesus as Simon Peter and Andrew to do While they were fishing?
Go into deeper waters and let down their nets
The bishop of Rome and successor of St. Peter. He has the special responsibility of being the head of the entire church on earth. He unites and guides all of the world's bishops and leads all of God's people on earth. He is Christ's chief representative on earth.
"But who do you say that I am"
How many days are in Lent?
These brothers were known as the "Sons of Thunder"
They were there at the miracle of the fish and left their boats to follow Jesus
James and John
True or False: Peter asked if he could sell his boat before he left and followed Jesus
Known as the Decalogue. God gave these to the chosen people to be an objective moral standard for his people, an expression of the divine law of God. God wrote them on a tablet of stone and gave them to Moses
The ten commandments
"You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God"
What are the three pillars of Lent?
Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving
He was a tax collector
What was the name of the lake Peter was fishing on
The Sea of Galilee (or Lake Generseret)
A supernatural act of God that demonstrates His power over all things. Jesus performed many of these because he is God. They were signs of the Kingdom of God, invited belief, and demonstrated the power of God.
"A person's a person, no matter how small"
Dr. Seus
What do we call the day Jesus died and why do we call it that?
Good Friday, because it was the day that Jesus died for our sins, allowing the gates of heaven to be opened.