Imam Husayn (AS) began his journey towards Karbala from Medina on this date in the year 60 AH.
What is 28th Rajab?
This is the meaning of the name Abbas.
Who is (Attacking) Lion?
Imam Ali Zainul Abideen (AS) was known for his long hours of devotion to this act of worship
What is Sujood?
Imam Mahdi (AS) was born in this city in Iraq
What is Samarra
Imam Husayn (AS) traveled from Medina to this city, seeking refuge but ultimately facing Yazid's forces at Karbala.
What is "Kufa"?
As a child, Hazrat Abbas (a.s.) would show deep respect and affection toward this holy sister, whom he later defended in Karbala.
Who is Sayyida Zainab (s.a.)?
This noble woman was the mother of Imam Zainul Abideen
Who is Lady Shahrbanu?
The best way to disgrace Shaitan according to Imam Mahdi (A.S.)
What is praying salah on time?
Imam Husayn’s (AS) final companion to fall in battle was his son, known for his tender age and unwavering devotion.
Who is Ali Asghar (AS)?
This was the title given to Hazrat Abbas (A.S.), meaning 'The Moon of Banu Hashim.'
What is Qamar Banu Hashim?
This title means "The Ornament of the Worshippers."
What is Zain ul Abideen?
This term is used to refer to the assistants of Imam Mahdi (AS) who are said to have played
significant roles during the Minor Occultation
What are the Four Deputies?
This son of Imam Husayn (AS) survived the battle of Karbala and later became known for his
wisdom, leadership, and advocacy for justice
Who is Imam Zayn al-Abidin (AS)?
Under this ruler, the first brick and mud building was constructed on the grave of Hazrat Abbas (AS).
Who is Mukhtar Thaqafi?
The famous companion of Imam Sajjad (AS) is known for a supplication that carries his name.
Who is Abu Hamza Thumali?
These Prophets will accompany the Imam (atfs) on his reappearance
Who are Prophet Isa (pbuh), Prophet Idrees (pbuh), and Prophet Ilyas (pbuh)?
This famous cry by Imam Husayn at his final moments, "Is there anyone to help us?" is an eternal reminder of his sacrifice.
What is the Arabic phrase for this heartfelt call?
What is Hal min nasir yansuruna?
These are the names of Hazrat Abbas (AS) brothers.
Who is Usman ibn Ali,Abdullah ibn Ali,Jaffar ibn Ali?
The name of the enemy to whom Imam Zainul Abideen (AS) granted asylum.
Who is Marwan and his family?
Verse of the Holy Quran that was written on the arms of Imam Mahdi [ajtfs] when he was born.
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?What is Surah Israa verse 81