What is the full name of the helmet
Helmet of Salvation
What is the full name of the belt and sword?
Belt of Truth and Sword of the Spirit
What is the full name of the shield?
Shield of Faith
What is the full name of the shoes?
Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
What is the full name of the breastplate?
Breastplate of righteousness
What other piece of the armor of God is the helmet of Salvation related to?
The breastplate of righteousness
How do you know the truth?
Through the word of God (Bible)
What does the shield of faith do?
It defends us/keeps us safe from attack and allows us to keep moving forward
What is the gospel of peace?
The good news of salvation through Jesus Christ
What does the breastplate of righteousness defend or protect?
Our vital organs and heart
Where are spiritual battles primarily fought in?
The mind
The sword of the Spirit works for what two things?
Defend and attack
What makes the shield of faith stronger?
The word of God
What is the gospel of peace?
They provide us with stability and peace
What needs to be on before the breastplate of righteousness?
Th belt of truth
What is the purpose of the helmet of salvation?
To protect our minds from deception
What's the purpose of the belt?
To carry truth with you and keep the armor in place
To creating a distance between you and God.
What is the purpose of the shoes?
They provide us with stability and peace
Why does the belt of truth need to be on before the breastplate of righteousness?
because without knowing the truth we rely on our own righteousness that is not enough to withstand the enemy's attack.
Why is our mind so important?
Because it is the command station for the rest of the body (tells your body what to do/how to act)
What's the power of the Sword of the Spirit?
Through the word of God you can defeat all that the enemy throws at you
Why does the Bible say "above all", what's the importance of the Shield of Faith?
It's an essential piece of armor to have on because without faith we lose all protection against the enemy.
What does it mean to put on the shoes of the gospel of peace?
To hold peace in our lives wherever we go and that we are eager to share the good news with others.
What are the attacks of the enemy that the breastplate of righteousness protects us from?
Negative thoughts or thoughts that we are not righteous enough.