Painting and Pottery
Classical Architecture
Late Classical Style
Hellenistic Period
The earliest Greek style known only from pottery and small-scale sculpture
What is Geometric style?
It is shown in the Archaic period that Greeks learned from these people how to carve blocks of stone while adapting the technique to suit their own taste.
Who are the Egyptians?
This is the name of the elevated rock in Athens that supports several temple precincts and other buildings
What is the Acropolis?
The design of this theater is famous for its acoustics which are based on scientific knowledge of how sound travels.
What is the Greek Theater?
This term refers to the spread of the Greek culture beyond Greece, especially to the East, as a result of Alexander the Great's conquest
What is Hellenistic?
This style's shapes have become larger and more curvilinear than those of the Geometric style, and the Geometric patterns are relegated to borders of the main image.
What is orientalizing style?
The early classical development for large scale sculptures was the change from marble to this new material.
What is bronze?
The temple that is incomparable in its classical balance, proportion, and unity that celebrates Athena.
What is the Parthenon?
It was this work that the female entered the canon of beauty in Greek art, which previously had been restricted to the male nude.
What is Praxiteles' statue of the "Aphrodite of Knidos?"
Here the Hellenistic taste for emotion, energetic movement and exaggerated musculature is expressed in relief sculpture.
What is the Great Altar of Zeus?
Greek vases were made of this.
What is terra-cotta?
Archaic sculptures of standing women are referred to as this.
What is korai?
The two Orders of Greek architecture.
What are Doric and Ionic orders?
The auditorium of the Greek Theater was built around this place for dancing.
What is the orchestra?
He has a broken nose and teeth as well as cauliflower ears that have suffered from years of beating.
Who is the bronze Boxer?
The best preserved example of large scale Greek pictorial style from the Hellenistic period.
What are mosaics?
The pose that refers to the shift of the torso and the right hip and a lowered shoulder.
What is contrapposto?
The Corinthian capital is most easily distinguished by this.
What is the acanthus leaf design?
He was famous for his portrayals of athletes and his portraits of great men. He was among the important Greek sculptors of the 4th century B.C. whose works survive mainly in Roman copies.
Who was Lysippos of Sikyon?
The official royal image of Alexander the Great was established by this artist.
Who is Lysippos of Sikyon?
The amphora showing Achilles and Ajax playing a board game is a good example of this painting technique.
What is black-figure?
His work is still thought of as the embodiment of classical style. Most of his sculpture was cast in bronze and is known today only through Roman copies in marble.
Who is Polykleitos of Argos?
The best surviving sculpture from the Nike temple that is titled "Nike adjusting her Sandal" is this kind of sculpture.
What is sculpture and relief?
The gentle S-shape of the Aphrodite of Knidos is sometimes called this.
What is the Praxitelean Curve?
In which work is the god depicted as a naturalistic toddler with baby fat and child-like proportions?
What is Sleeping Eros?