Teachers main floor
Teachers second floor
Support staff
Office Staff and Lunch room

A teacher who wears glasses and usually has her hair in a ponytail. She has a sister who also works at the school.

Who is Ms. Gladman?

She teaches grade 4. Her hair is very long and curly and she always has a smile on her face. She is fluent in french and likes to play sports.

Who is Ms. Vasilopoulous?


He is very kind and says hello to everyone. You will be certain to have a "great day" after you speak to him in the hall. All the students love this staff member and want to give him high fives.

Who is Mr. Balfour?


This staff member is always smiling. Everyone at Oakridge loves to see her smiling face. If you get hurt, you need to see her for some ice or a bandaid. She will call your parents if you are feeling sick.

Who is Ms. Raveendran?


She teaches grade 1. She has one son and loves playing with her dog. Her classroom is very colourful and her last name is one syllable and begins with the letter L.

Who is Ms. Lunn?

Her classroom is near the library. She is very popular and is very concerned about the environment. You might have been part of her club this year. She teaches one of the same grades as Ms. Stott.

Who is Ms. Mudhar?


This teacher often comes to work in our classroom. She has a kind and calm voice. She is very helpful and works with small groups of students. Her job is to support students who are learning English.

Who is Ms. McElgunn?


This supervisor works in the lunch room. She is very helpful and has a walkie talkie to communicate with the office. Her name begins with a Z.

Who is Ms. Zarqa?


This is a kindergarten teacher. She has a very loud laugh and curly hair. She is always wearing a big smile on her face. Her neck almost always has a scarf around it.

Who is Ms. Menezes?


This teacher is very good with computers. This teacher is very popular with the students and everyone likes going to this person's class. This is one of the coolest teachers, after Ms. Stott, at Oakridge!

Who is Mr. Grady?

This staff member keeps our school very clean. She cares about how the school looks and takes pride in her work. She often asks if the classroom looks good after she has cleaned it. 

Who is Ms. Plouffe?


This person is the head of our school. He demands excellence and thinks the world of our students. He can seem very strict, but he is one of the nicest principals. He also loves to dance and has a good sense of humour. 

Who is Mr. Parker?


This teacher is very talented. Not only can she move like Jagger but she makes the school beautiful. If you have her for this class you create very beautiful works of...

Who is Ms. Matsalla?


This teacher often has very short hair and glasses. She is very artistic and likes listening to songs from the musical, "Wicked". She likes to do print making with her class. 

Who is Ms. Choo?


This teacher helps us create interesting science projects. She has a lot of experience with Lego League and engineering projects. She also takes care of the library and gets teachers books they need. 

Who is Ms. Mak?


This staff member is new to our school. She helps the school run smoothly and makes a lot of important decisions. She is very nice and easy to talk to and works in the office. 

Who is Ms. Lin?


This teacher has dark hair. She tends to speak loudly and has a very big laugh. She is very kind and teaches kindergarten for half of the day and ESL the other half. Her name begins with the letter M.

Who is Ms. Menelauo?


This teacher has long and dark hair. She has a little dog who she loves very much. She enjoys taking her class out on field trips and does really cool STEM activities with her grade 4s.

Who is Ms. Nazarali?


This teacher makes such sweet sounds. She is a talented artist and her work makes my ears smile. If you want to

Who is Ms. Wong?


This person also works in the office. She often makes announcements on the P.A. system and makes sure the school newsletters get out each month. Also, she orders the buses so we can go on trips.

Who is Ms. Skrjl.