What are the two countries where these companies are based?
Nestle = Switzerland. Bristol Myers = United States.
How many pages was the article called The Infant Formula Marketing Practices of Bristol-Myers Company in Countries Outside the United States?
19 pages.
What did Nestle do to disarm critics?
Created a council of large baby formula companies to form a code of ethics for formula promotion.
What does ICIFI stand for?
International Council of Infant Food Industries.
Why did Congress act against Bristol-Myer and not Nestle?
Nestle is based in Sweden, not the US.
True or False?
The core problem was that the formulas sold were too nutrient dense for the malnourished infants, causing them to reject the formula which lead to diarrhea and higher mortality rates.
The main problem was general ignorance of hygiene, unclean water and limited ways to sterilize bottles.
In what year fit Bristol-Myers reach a one-year record in profits due to baby formula sales?
What did opposers think of Nestles attempt to create a code of ethics?
It was vague and meaningless.
Describe the purpose of Interfaith Center of Corporate Responsibility (ICCR).
Exists to assist its member boards, agencies, and instrumentalities to express social responsibility with their investments.
Name one of the activities that take place on Infant Formula Action Day.
Boston Nestea Party, demonstrations, leafleting, letter writing, and fasts.
What are 'Milk Nurses'?
Went into hospitals, clinics, and private homes to instruct new mothers on child care and benefits of using the companies formula.
What was the name of the organization that wrote to the chairman of Bristol-Myers requesting "the publication of all relevant information to outer limits permitted by competitive considerations."
Rockefeller Foundation
What was the organization that formed to boycott Nestle called?
What does INFACT stand for?
Infant Formula Action Coalition
Which company was sued by the Sisters of the Precious Blood and ICCR?
What are the 4 areas of the world where the baby formula crisis happened?
Latin America, Far East, Africa, and the Middle East.
How many members of US Congress agreed to the investigation into all US formula companies in response to Bristol-Myer?
29 Congress Members.
What was the program called that INFACT ran against Nestle on halloween?
Spook Nestle.
Which organization implemented the International Code of Marketing of Breatmilk Substitutes?
World Health Organization (WHO)
How many countries now have introduced laws that implement provisions made in response to these scandals?
60 countries.
What percent of the minimum urban wage in Nigeria is the cost of feeding a three month old on formula?
What was the amendment called that urged the president to develop a strategy for programs of nutrition and health improvements in response to Bristol Myer?
The International Development and Food Assistance Act.
List 4 of the 6 demands that INFACT made to Nestle.
1. Immediately stop all promotion of Nestle artificial formula.
2. Stop mass media advertising of formula.
3. Stop distribution of free samples to hospitals, clinics, and homes of newborns.
4. Discontinue use of Nestle milk nurses.
5. Stop promotion through the medical profession.
6. Prevent artificial formula from getting into the hands of people who do not have the means of facilities to use it safely.
What two organizations or people endorsed the boycott put on my INFACT?
Democratic Farmer-Labor Party of Minnesota and Ralph Nader.
How much are the annual sales of Nestle?
$67 Billion.