Ready, Set, Baby
"It's the Hormones"
Once Upon a Rhyme
Back In The Day
My Mom's In Medicine

This is the positioning of the baby's body as it develops in utero (also known as the position Gabe took when finding out they were having twins).

What is the fetal position?


Aidana started bawling after seeing this perfectly fine animal by itself in a bush in the cold.

What is a bird?


In "Snow White," her friends were not tall, there where this many dwarfs in all.

What is seven?


Growing up, Aidana was referred to by this nickname.

What is Aika?


This is the name for a phase of pregnancy.

What is a trimester?


The first item(s) purchased for the babies by the parents-to-be. Also hip slang for "house".

What are cribs?


Aidana cried from guilt after yelling at her for climbing on and scratching the bedroom curtains.

Who is Cleo?


In "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," the stars are compared to these equally bright things, which Rihanna might mention when she sings.

What are diamonds?


When Gabe moved back to the states after living abroad, he had this accent.

What is British?


This is the gestational age for a term pregnancy. 

What is 37-40 weeks?


This item, used for feeding a baby, can now legally be covered by insurance.

What is a breast pump?


Aidana sobbed after seeing an emotional TikTok compilation about this breed of winter dog being a baby's best friend as it grew up.

What is a husky?


In Aidana's beloved Disney story, this sea witch casts spells, to steal voices for glory.

Who is Ursula?


At the age of 9, Aidana had a thrilling encounter with this iconic pop star at Disney world.

Who is Michael Jackson?


A woman's resting metabolic rate increases by this amount, the equivalent to running a marathon.

What is 2x or doubles?


On average, newborns need to have their diapers changed this many times per day.

What is 10-12 times?


While watching this recent live action adaptation of a cartoon, Aidana cried for its Asian and Indigenous representation in film even though the characters were technically from a made-up world.

What is Avatar The Last Airbender?


In "Humpty Dumpty," he sat on a wall, but after the fall, these people couldn’t help him at all.

Who are all the king's horses and all the king's men?


Who ya gonna call? At the age of 4, Gabe snuck out of his house at night in order to hunt these at his neighbor's house.

What are ghosts?


This hormone, detected by most pregnancy tests, is produced by the placenta shortly after the embryo attaches to the uterine lining.

What is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)?


This is the name of the reflex that causes a baby to turn its head and open its mouth when its cheek is stroked.

What is the rooting reflex?


A tragedy! Aidana broke down crying when her french toast wasn't substantially covered in this substance.

What is egg?


Gabe watched this favorite childhood movie with glee featuring a story where many puppies flee.

What is 101 Dalmations?

As a toddler, Gabe was obsessed with "sheens" which translates to this in adult English.

What are construction vehicles (or machines)?


This is the substance that comes out before milk that provides baby with antibodies.

What is colostrum?