Where did Malcolm X deliver his "Ballot or the Bullet" speech on April 12, 1964?
King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.
What organization was Malcolm X the minister of at the time of this speech?
The newly founded Muslim Mosque Incorporated.
What does the economic philosophy of black nationalism emphasize?
That black people should own, operate, and control the economy of their own community.
Where does Malcolm X say is the best place to start building black businesses?
In the community where black people live.
Can someone be religious and still follow black nationalism?
Yes, Malcolm X says you can stay in your church or civic organization and still adopt black nationalism.
How many people attended Malcolm X’s speech in Detroit?
Two thousand people
Where were the offices of the Muslim Mosque Incorporated located?
In the Theresa Hotel in Harlem, New York City.
Why does Malcolm X say black people cannot open stores in white communities?
Because white people will not patronize black-owned businesses.
Why does Malcolm X say black people should go into business?
To create employment within their own communities.
Why does Malcolm X criticize the idea of a "sit-in"?
He says sitting is passive and weak, and black people have been sitting for too long.
Who was president and running for re-election during Malcolm X's Ballot or the Bullet Speech?
Lyndon Johnson
Which Christian minister did Malcolm X mention as being famous for political struggles?
Adam Clayton Powell.
What does Malcolm X say happens when black people spend their money outside their community?
The outside community becomes richer, while their own community becomes poorer.
Why does Malcolm X say religion should be kept out of the discussion?
Because it leads to arguments and division.
How does Malcolm X suggest black people should respond instead of sitting?
By standing up and fighting for their rights.
What organization did Malcolm X announce in the summer of 1964?
The Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU)
Why did Malcolm X avoid discussing religion in his speech?
He believed religious differences would create divisions and prevent unity.
What happens to the money spent in black communities, according to Malcolm X?
It is taken out by non-black business owners who do not reinvest in the community.
What reason does Malcolm X give for why black people are attacked?
Not because of their religion, but because they are black.
What does Malcolm X compare America's treatment of black people to?
Colonialism, similar to how England and France controlled other nations.
Malcolm X wanted to expand it from the level of civil rights to the level of ______rights.
Human Rights
What was Malcolm X’s political, economic, and social philosophy?
Black nationalism.
According to Malcolm X, for whom should black people cast their ballots?
A person from the community who has the good of the community at heart.
Why does Malcolm X criticize singing "We Shall Overcome"?
He says singing will not bring freedom, but action will.
Why does Malcolm X call America a hypocritical colonial power?
Because it pretends to grant freedom while keeping black people in a second-class status.