Who was swallowed by a great fish?
What type of cheese is found in a caprese salad?
Mozzarella Cheese
What state is known as the "Sunshine State?"
What was the name of the talking car in the TV series Knight Rider?
In the movie Toy Story, what is the name of the cowboy doll that becomes Woody's best friend?
How many days did rain fall during the flood?
Forty days and Forty Nights (Gen. 7:12)
What is the main ingredient in hummus?
Chickpeas/Garbanzo Beans
What is the longest river in South America?
Who is the top selling musical artist, duo, or group of the 1980s?
Michael Jackson
In Finding Nemo, what type of fish is Nemo?
What was Paul's occupation?
(Acts 18:3)
What type of nut is used to make marzipan?
What is the largest desert in the world?
The Sahara Desert
What type of pants became a popular fashion choice for both men and women in the 80s?
Parachute Pants
In the movie Monsters Inc., what city do Mike and Sully live in?
How were the children of Israel guided in the wilderness?
By a pillar of cloud by day and pillar of fire by night. (Ex. 13:21)
In what country do you typically find a dish called "paella" which is made of rice, seafood, and saffron?
What country has the most islands in the world?
Who was the British Prime Minister during most of the 80s?
Margaret Thatcher
What is the name of the racing series that Lightening McQeeen competes in?
The Piston Cup
In the parable of the Good Samaritan, what two individuals passed by the injured man?
A priest and a Levite. (Luke 10:31-32)
What is the term for the process of preserving food by submerging it in salt or brine, commonly use for fish and meats?
What is the smallest country in the world by land area?
Vatican City
In 1986, which tragic event occurred involving a NASA space shuttle shortly after its launch?
The Challenger disaster
Who designs the super hero suits in the movie The Incredibles?
Edna Mode