What is the resting RR?

12 - 20 breaths per minute

The respiratory rate is highly regulated to enable cells to produce the optimum amount of energy on any given occasion. Changes and anomalies in RR are a good indicator that a patient is struggling to maintain homeostasis


What binds oxygen and moves it from the muscle cell to the mitochondria?

a. Hemoglobin   c. Myoglobin

b. Albumin        d. Insulin

Hemoglobin - helps return carbon dioxide to the atmosphere while also carrying oxygen from the lungs to the tissues

Albumin - helps prevent fluid from leaking into surrounding tissues from your blood vessels

Insulin - let glucose enter cells for energy production and to keep blood glucose levels within normal ranges


True or False: Exercise would lead to the generation of more blood to satisfy the high demand for oxygen in the body.


High O2 demand = Increase in blood flow via vasodilation, increase in cardiac output


What are the determinants of cardiac output?

Heart rate and stroke volume

Q = HR x SV

Heart rate - beats per minute of your heart. 

Stroke volume - amount of blood being pumped from the left ventricle to your body. 

Exercise stimulates the SNS = increase both in HR & SV = Q increases


Which situation would we expect a shorter recovery period to occur? 

A. Well-trained individual who underwent 2 hours training in a cool environment

B. Untrained individual who underwent 30 minutes of walking in a cool environment

C. Well-trained individual who did a quick training session in a cool environment

D. Untrained individual who underwent a 2-hour walking program in a humid environment

C. Well-trained individual who did a quick training session in a cool environment

Well-trained = faster recovery

Cooler environments = help reduce swelling and tissue breakdown

More intense training = slower recovery


True or False: Pulmonary ventilation is increased as a result of increased tidal volume and respiratory rate.


Increase in tidal volume and respiratory rate = Increase in pulmonary ventilation for better oxygenation


What type of blood pressure increases in response to exercise?

Systolic Blood Pressure - the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats.

During exercise, the heart pumps harder and faster to circulate blood to deliver oxygen to the muscles.


Which of the following is false in terms of the factors affecting an increase in oxygen volume?

a. More intense exercise requires more oxygen supply for the muscles 

b. Longer exercise duration makes the body need more oxygen

c. More rest periods allows more oxygen to be consumed

d. More activated muscles means more oxygen is needed

C. More rest periods allows more oxygen to be consumed during exercise

LESS rest periods = Body takes in O2 at a GREATER rate


True or False: Organic acid like lactic acid is a normal by-product of metabolism acid base balance.


Volatile acid - normal by-product of metabolism; production is increased during exercise; ex. CO2

Organic acid - produced by skeletal muscles and presents the greatest challenge in maintaining pH levels during heavy exercise; ex. lactic acid


During exercise, a person's blood and muscle pH decreases. This is caused by what phenomenon?

Acid Build up

Lactic acid is released into the bloodstream and muscle tissue. When it dissolves in water, it releases hydrogen ions, which lower the pH.


What are some examples of accessory muscles for inspiration and expiration?

a. Sternocleidomastoid, iliocostalis cervicis, and pectoralis M&m 

b. Rectus abdominis, E&I obliques, and transversus abdominis

c. Both a & b are true

d. Both a & b are false

C. Both a & b are true

Diaphragm - main muscle for inspiration. During active exercise, we employ our accessory muscles for inspiration & expiration to increase the volume of our thorax and intrapulmonary pressure.


True or False: An improved oxidative capacity of upper airway muscles is an acute adaptation to exercise, allowing the body to utilize oxygen better.


Oxidative capacity - muscle's maximal capacity to use oxygen. 

Better oxidative capacity = Better utilization of oxygen

It is a CHRONIC adaptations to exercise.


What increases when there is a right shift in the Oxyhemoglobin Dissociation Curve?

Right shift = Reduced affinity of Hb to O2, easier unload (release) of oxygen. Increase in Temperature, DPG, [H+]

Left shift = Increased affinity of Hb to O2, easily take in (langhap) oxygen. Decrease in Temperature, DPG, [H+]


What effect does exercise have on plasma volume (PV)?

A. Exercise leads to an increase in plasma volume due to oxygen delivery to the blood.

B. Exercise causes an increase in oxygen delivery which causes a reduction in plasma volume.

C. Exercise results in a stagnation of plasma volume, unaffected by changes in oxygen delivery or metabolic waste buildup.

D. Exercise elevates plasma volume by reducing metabolic waste in muscles and enhancing oxygen transport to the blood.

B. Exercise causes an increase in oxygen delivery which causes a reduction in plasma volume.

"Where O2 goes, fluids like water follow."


True or False: In the order of Activation of Buffers, the 1st line of defense is the Respiratory Compensation where it signals respiratory control centers to increase alveolar ventilation.


1st line of defense A: Cellular buffer system

1st line of defense B: Blood buffer system

2nd line of defense: Respiratory compensation