What is Canada?
What is a country?
What is the name of the explorer that thought he found India?
What is Christopher Columbus?
What filled Coyotes closet?
What is fur coats
What direction is Prince Rupert?
What is West
What is British Columbia
What is a Province
What is the name of the town we live in
What keeps the moon in balance, according to the Tom King Story?
What is Coyote's singing
Who's unceded First Nations land is our school located?
What is Tsimshian
Which side of the family is maternal?
What is moms side
In his search for India, where did Christopher Columbus end up?
Central/South America
What game was the moon playing at the bottom of the pond?
What is chess
The paper that you mark an X on when you vote
What is a ballot
Information that is intentionally wrong or incorrect
What is misinformation
In what year did the current country called Canada begin?
What is 1867
What led to Coyote wanting all the coats of the forest?
What is greed
What was the solution to the riddle, "Raven that forever soars but never moves"?
What is a Totem pole
Showing that you have noticed something
What is acknowledgment
In Canada, when speaking about First Nations, Metis and Inuit
What is Indigenous
Coyote, in their mischief or trickster ways, always can teach us a lesson. What was the lesson with Coyote and the fur coats?
what is to take only what you need.
In the mini cartoon Jaxon and Song, how long did they say that the Haida have been living on the coast?
What is 8000 years