
How many major fasts do we have within our Orthodox Tewahedo Christianity? Name them 

What is 7?

Fasting means to give up eating Food and drinking water or any other liquid during the seven fasting season named as 

1. The fast of the Prophet's 

2. The Fast of Wednesday and Fridays

3. Fast of Gehade ( Paramoun) (eve of Epiphany and Birthday of Lord Jesus Christ) 

4. The Fast of Nineveh, 

5. The Fast of the Great Lent, 

6. The  Fast of Apostles 

7. The Fast of the Assumption of Saint Mary


What verse in the Bible is this from? 

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.".

What is John 1:1?


What is the highest prayer above all prayers?

What is kidase? Holy Liturgy

The word Kidase means "to give thanks to the Lord by both mankind and the angels

In the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, KIDASIE (liturgy) is called the Divine Liturgy. It's a communal worship service that involves praying, singing, and hearing God's word. The liturgy is seen as a way for believers to unite with each other, the departed saints, and the angels in the Kingdom of God. It's also considered a time to experience God's eternal kingdom through communion with Christ


Which saint baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch?

Who is Philip the Evangelist?

(Acts. 8:26-39)


In what city and what church is the Ark of the Covenant held in?

What is Axum and Tsion Mariam?


Who was the first person to ever tsom?

Who is Adam?

God commanded Adam to fast (Gen. 2:16), but he did not obey. Because of their disobedience, Adam and Eve were cast out of Eden and lost the life of blessedness, knowledge of God, and communion with Him, for which they were created. Both they and their descendents became heirs of death and corruption


What book was first written in the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Bible?

What is the Book of Enoch?

The Book of Enoch isn't in the Bible, because when the Bible was put together the church chose 27 1st century writings for the New Testament and used the Greek translation of the Hebrew Scriptures (called the Septuagint) for the Old Testament.

Jesus referred to The Book of Enoch: “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.” (Mat 5:5), pulled from “The elect shall possess light, joy and peace, and they shall inherit the earth. (Enoch 5:7 {6:9}” "Woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation.

The first part of the Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the angel-human hybrids called Nephilim. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's revelations and his visits to heaven in the form of travels, visions, and dreams


What are the four parts of kidase?

What is

1) Preparation: prayer over the church

2) Readings and Teachings

3) Main Liturgy Part

4) Holy Eucharist Part


What are Angels made from?

What is fire and wind?

Angels were created on the Sunday (Jubilee 2:6–8). As written in the Holy Bible, angels are made from fire and wind (3 Maccabees 2:10–11). They do not reproduce, but remain as they were originally created. They are powerful by nature and free from any kind of sickness. 


How many books do we accept in our Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Bible?

What is 81?


Name three people from the Bible who fasted for 40 days.

The concept of fasting for 40 days comes from the example we see in the Bible. Three important men in the Bible were led to do an extended fast: MOSES, ELIJAH & OUR ORD JESUS CHURIST 

Moses, In Deuteronomy 9:15–18, Moses fasted for 40 days and 40 nights to atone for Israel's sins and receive the second set of the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai. 

Elijah, 1 Kings 19:8. He [Elijah] arose, ate and drank, and went in the strength of that food for forty days and forty nights to Horeb, God's Mountain 

Jesus. In Matthew 4:2-4, Jesus fasted for 40 days, and afterward he was hungry. Satan tried to tempt him with food, but it's not mentioned if he was thirsty 


What mountain were the Ten Commandments written on and given to Moses by God?

A) Mount Guna

B) Mount Tabor

C) Mount Sinai

What is 

C. Mount Sinai


What five things do Ethiopian Orthodox Christians sacrifice during Kidase?


What is

1) The Eucharist

2) Sacrifice of Praise

3) Sacrifice of Light

4) Sacrifice of Incense

5) Sacrifice of our Physical Body


What day were angels created?

What is Sunday.


What are the five pillars of mystery?

What is

1) MYSTERY OF THE TRINITY: the mystery of the unity and Trinity of the Triune God is described.

2) Mystery of Incarnation: the mystery of the descending of God the Son who is one of the Trinity from heaven and taking up flesh and rational soul from the Holy Virgin Mary. This is the mystery of God becoming man and man becoming God: "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us". (Jn. 1:14 

3) Mystery of Baptism: for the remission of sin, to obtain adoption from the Triune God, to inherit the kingdom of God. It is called mystery, because, when the priest recites the prayer of baptism over the water and blesses 

4) Mystery of the Holy Communion: is a supreme act of life through which we can hold intimate communion with God and that which makes us one with God. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, except you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His blood, you have no life in you." "Who so eat my flesh, and drink my blood will have eternal life 

5) Mystery of the Resurrection of the Dead Resurrection is the Mystery of life after death. All those who have departed from the time of Adam, and those who will pass away, until the Second Coming of Christ, will be raised in the union of body and soul. The souls of the righteous shall abide in paradise and the souls of sinners in hell until the end of this world 


Why do Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians fast on Wednesdays and Fridays?

What is

Wednesday- in remembrance of the betrayal of Christ.

Friday- in remembrance of the crucifixion and death of Christ.


What verse in the Bible is this from?

"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.".

What is Proverbs 3:5?


Why does Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Christians start kidase early?

We wake up early in the morning as a remembrance of how the women woke up in the morning to find Jesus Christ's body but later realized he had been resurrected.


Saint Yared classified his hymns into three. Name all three of them.

What is

1) Geez

2) Izel

3) Araray


What are the seven sacraments of the church?


What is

1) Baptism: admission to the faith, where the person being baptized is cleansed of their sins and given sanctifying grace. Three times Immersion in water symbolizes dying to sin and rising to new life in Christ 

2) Confirmation. Chirtening or holy myronEOTC believers receive the Holy Spirit, which gives them the ability to practice their faith in all aspects of their lives. 

3) Holy Communion: the most important of the seven. Bread & wine are blessed and consumed, representing the body and blood of Christ. 

4) Ordination: ordains bishops, priests, and deacons, giving them the power to perform their sacred duties 

5) Matrimony: Marriage: also known as holy Matrimony 

6) Penance: Reconciliation, also known as confession of sins.

7) Unction of the Sick is a ritual of healing for physical, mental, and spiritual sickness.Prayers are said that the sick person may be healed in body, soul, and spirit. 


What are the two types of fast?

What is 

1) Personal Fast: where we communicate with our spiritual father

2) Proclamation Fast: the fast where everyone fasts in unity.


On what day did God create the sun, moon, and stars?

What is Wednesday? On the fourth day,

Genesis 1:14–16 states that God created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day. The passage describes how God placed the sun, moon, and stars in the sky to shine light on the earth, separate light from darkness, and rule over the day and night:


During Kidase what do we say was given to our fathers Peter and Paul and also what is our father Paul to the church?

what is " To our father Peter were given the keys and apostleship to our father Paul, for he was the light of the church.


which Saint is this verse talking about?

" He will also go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah" Luke 1:17

who is John the Baptist.

Luke 1:17 


What are the 9 major feasts of the Lord ?

what is 

1. Tsinet (Annunciation - Feast of Incarnation) - In observance of the announcement of Saint Gabriel that the Virgin Mary shall bring forth a Son who will save His people from their sins. So, this is a day of forgiveness of mankind.

2. Lidet (Christmas) -The annual festival of Christ's birth, Tahisas (December) 29 E.C. and on leap year on Tahisas (December) 28 E.C. This is in fulfillment of the prophecy that the Virgin Mary shall birth to God the Word, who will save His people from their sins.

3. Timket (Epiphany) - Jesus Christ started his Messianic ministry after being baptized at the age of 30. The Lord was baptized in the Jordan river by John the Baptist. When Jesus stepped out of the water the heavens were opened and God the Father spoke "this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove." (Mt. 3:1-17; MK. 1:4-12; Lk.3;22; Jn. 1:29-34).

4. Debre Tabor ( Transfiguration) - This is the day in which Our Lord Jesus Christ during his ministry, manifested the light of his God-head on Mount Tabor.

5. Hosanna ( Palm Sunday)- It is the Sunday that comes one week before Easter. Its history is written in the Bible. Hosanna means salvation. On this day Jesus Christ Our Lord entered into temple i triumph. On His way people praised him by saying Hosanna, Hosanna, in the highest.

6. Crucifixion - This is the day on which Jesus Christ Our Lord was crucified to redeem mankind.

7. Easter - It is celebrated in commemoration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead after His crucifixion on the cross in order to save mankind from sin. Easter for Christians is a day of spiritual victory and freedom.

8. Ascension - After Jesus Christ rose from dead, He appeared to the Apostles and taught them for 40 days. On the 40th day of His rising, as He had told the Apostles before, He gain told them of them of the descending of the Holy Spirit and ascended to Heaven. 

9. Paracletos - It is the day after the 10th day of Ascension and the 50th day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and is also the day on which the Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. Paracletos means comforted.