Breaking the Habit
Sister Bear's Struggles
Mama and Papa's Advice
Fun with the Cubs
Lessons Learned

What bad habit does Sister Bear have in the book?

She bites her nails.


Why does Sister Bear start biting her nails in the first place?

She does it when she feels nervous or bored.


What does Mama Bear say about nail-biting?

She says it’s a bad habit that can make your nails look ugly.


What does Brother Bear think of Sister Bear’s nail-biting habit?

He thinks it’s a silly habit, but he’s supportive of her trying to stop.


What important lesson does Sister Bear learn by the end of the story?

She learns that breaking a bad habit takes time, patience, and effort.


How does Mama Bear first try to help Sister Bear break her habit?

She tells Sister Bear to stop biting her nails and gives her a gentle reminder.


How does Sister Bear feel when she can’t stop biting her nails?

She feels frustrated and sad because she can’t break the habit.


How does Papa Bear try to help Sister Bear stop biting her nails?

He offers rewards to encourage her to break the habit.


How do Brother and Sister Bear spend their time when Sister is trying to break her habit?

They play games and do activities to keep Sister Bear’s hands busy.


What does Sister Bear discover about being persistent when trying to stop a bad habit?

She learns that it’s important to keep trying, even if it’s hard at first.


What does Sister Bear try to do when she feels the urge to bite her nails?

She tries to keep her hands busy, like playing with toys or drawing.


What happens when Sister Bear tries to stop biting her nails but doesn’t succeed right away?

She feels disappointed but keeps trying to stop.


What do Mama and Papa Bear do to encourage Sister Bear when she feels tempted to bite her nails?

They remind her to keep her hands busy with something else.


How does Sister Bear feel when she successfully stops biting her nails for the first time?

She feels proud and happy with herself.


What does Mama Bear teach Sister Bear about dealing with habits?

She teaches that habits can be changed with patience and effort.


How does Papa Bear try to help Sister Bear with her bad habit?

He gives her a reward (10 pennies a day) if she stops biting her nails for a while.


What does Sister Bear do when she sees other cubs not biting their nails?

What does Sister Bear do when she sees other cubs not biting their nails?


What advice does Mama Bear give when Sister Bear feels frustrated about stopping?

Mama tells her to keep trying and that it’s okay to make mistakes.


What do Sister Bear’s friends think when they notice she has stopped biting her nails?

They are impressed and compliment her for stopping.


How does Sister Bear feel about herself after she breaks her nail-biting habit?

She feels proud of herself and confident that she can break other bad habits too.


What is the final thing that helps Sister Bear break her nail-biting habit?

She likes the idea of getting coins and feels proud of herself when she stops.


What happens when Sister Bear finally breaks the habit?

She feels proud of herself and no longer wants to bite her nails.


What do Mama and Papa Bear say after Sister Bear finally breaks her habit?

They are proud of her for working hard to stop biting her nails.


What does Sister Bear notice when she finally stops biting her nails for good?

She could pick things up, tune the TV, and scratch itches.


What is the main message of The Berenstain Bears and the Bad Habit?

The story teaches that bad habits can be broken with effort and persistence, and it’s important to keep trying.