Fresh Prince of Memes
Who's That Bible Guy?
Please don't stop the music
Know! Your! Leaders!
Everybody Hates (Loves) Chris

This meme is considered one of the OGs. This template first appeared on Reddit in 2012 and features captions that describe a variety of embarrassing and tragic events.

What is Bad Luck Brian?


This person is a New Testament dude who died, then 3 days later, stopped being dead. 

Who is Jesus?

The composer and lyricist of 10,000 Reasons.

Who is Matt Redman?


this leader knows a lot about technology

Who is Josh?


This famous Chris is best known for throwing a hammer.

Who is Chris Hemsworth?


The day Area 51 was supposed to be raided.

When is September 21, 2019?


This person convinced two ladies he would cut a baby in half.

Who is King Solomon?


The song these lyrics are from:

Death could not hold you

The veil tore before you

You silence the boast of sin and grave

What is What a Beautiful Name?


This leader is 5'8".

Who is Beka?


This famous Chris played a character that would light himself on fire.

Who is Chris Evans?


Founded by Michael Shaffer, this Facebook page was originally called "Christian Memes" before it was hacked.

What is Memes for Jesus?


This person lost everything he had, then got it all right back again.

Who is Job?


The name of the most recent English album released by Bethel Music.

What is Victory?


This leader is really into board games and nerd stuff

Who is Daniel?


This famous Chris is better known for acting in a movie for space loving nerds.

Who is Chris Pine?


The names of 3 Spongebob meme templates.

(If you don't know the names, describe them, but you will only earn half points)

What are: 25; Are ya feelin' it now, Mr. Krabs?; Annoyance; Behold!; Beefing UP/Increasingly Buff Spongebob; Big Fat Meanie; Big Meaty Claws; Breathe in Boi; Bubble Bowl performance; Chocolate!; Claustrophobic; Confused Mr. Krabs; Drops by Squidward's House; Handsome Squidward; I Don't Need it!; Ight, Imma Head Out; I'm Ugly and I'm Proud; Imagination; Is Mayonnaise an Instrument?; Leedle Leedle Leedle Lee; Mocking Spongebob; Morbid Patrick; The World's Smallest Violin; My Eyes!; My Leg!; Mr. Krabs washing his car; No, This is Patrick!; Okay, Get in; Primitive Spongebob/Spongegar; Sleeping Squidward; Savage Patrick; Spongebob's Eager Face; Spoons Rattling; Spongebob Travelling in Drag; Squidward looking out the window; Squidward's Lounge Chair; Squidward's Patty; Surprised Patrick; Tired Spongebob; Tough Spongebob; Ugly Barnacle Story; We Should Take Bikini Bottom and Push it Somewhere Else; Who Are You People?; Who Ya Callin' Pinhead?; You like Krabby Patties, Don't You Squidward?; 


A woman who won the heart of a king.

Who is Esther?


3 husband and wife worship leader duos.

Who are

Paul and Hannah McClure

Bryan and Katie Torwalt

Brian and Jenn Johnson

Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes

Jonathan David and Melissa Helser


This leader has lived out of Canada for a time earlier in their life.

Who is John?


This famous Chris currently wears rocket boots, but before that was known for acting in this show.

(Must give the name of the TV show and the famous Chris.)

Who is Chris Pratt?

What is Arrested Development?


The origin of the woman yelling at the cat.

(Bonus points for naming the cat.)

What is the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?

Who is Smudge the Cat?


This person was real mad at Moses, rose up an army again him and was promptly swallowed by the earth.

Who is Korah?


This worship leader led at Elevation Church for 10 years before leaving to pursue his own music career.

Who is Mack Brock?


This leader once took some college classes on how to bake really well.

Who is Angela?


This famous Chris is known for starring in The Sound of Music (1965).

Who is Christopher Plummer?