Rights and Reformers

This Austrian monarch eased tight religious control and allowed a degree of religious toleration.

Who is Josef II.

The name for the oxymoronical period that saw an increase in autocratic power despite their liberal beliefs.

What is the age of enlightened absolutism.


This was a conglomerate of Germanic (and Bohemian states).

What is the Holy Roman Empire.


This war was the most significant conflict during this period. Started in Bohemia.

What is the Thirty Years' War.


The monarch who centralized power in France.

Who is Louis XIV.

This art form came out of the more unconventional manneristic art of the renaissance and continued throughout the 16 and 1700's. Christian in nature.

What is Baroque.


Through these methods, Frederick II of Prussia modernized the then-small state of Prussia.

What is centralizing control through granting junkers military positions, creating a standing army, and introduced permanent taxation.


This treaty ended the war of Austrian Succession and doubled Russia's population after this Prussia was now recognized as the most powerful of all of the German states and as one of Europe's great powers.

What is the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle.


This piece of legislation passed in the 17th century after the English Glorious Revolution was signed by the two monarchs and established rights for English.

What is the English Bill of Rights.


The movement that combined religion and reason. Promoted religion as rational, thought-based as opposed to supernatural.

What is deism.

(Ruled 1740-1786) King of Prussia. Invaded Austria, sparking the War of the Austrian Succession, in which he gained Silesia; invaded Saxony, sparking the Seven Years War, but did not gain any territory; he spent 2/3rds of all Prussian money on the army; proposed the First Partition of Poland, from which he gained a bit of Polish-Lithuanian territory; insisted his court spoke French; was personal friends with Voltaire; instituted a uniform civil justice system; believed strongly in education; encourage agricultural innovation. (Example of an enlightened despot.)

Who is Frederick the Great.


This was proposed by Frederick the Great to effectively destroy their Eastern neighbour. Successful.

First Partition of Poland (1772).


Louis XIV's invasion of the Southern Netherlands began this conflict that brought William of Orange, League of Augsburg, and England into the fray. Considered the first 'global war' due to battles in Ireland, Scotland, and the America's.

What is the Nine Years' War.


This is the method of 'putting a check' on monarchs. 

What is a constitution.


This was the reform put in place by Napoleon that allowed state-appointed bishops and declared Catholicism to be the majority religion in France. Restored Papal authority - allowed bishops to be taken down.

What is the Concordat of 1801. Repealed in 1905.


These four individuals studied the universe throughout their careers.

Who is Galileo, Copernicus, Isaac Newton, and Kepler.


The outcome of the Dutch War which established modern French borders. France gained Alsace-Lorraine.

Peace of Nijmegan.


The war(s) between Louis XIV and the Spanish/ Netherlands in the mid-1600s.

What is the First Dutch War and 'The Dutch War'.


This is the name of the period when monarchs centralized their power in Europe.

What is the age of absolutism.

These three absolutists ensured freedom of religion in their empires.

Who are Napoleon, Frederick the Great, Catherine of Russia.


(Ruled 1740-1780) Daughter of Charles VI, whose inheritance of the Austrian throne sparked the War of the Austrian Succession. She survived the war only by giving Silesia to Frederick II of Prussia. Became heiress of Austria and her husband became Holy Roman Emperor. Mother of Joseph II.

Who is Empress Maria Theresa.


This was the name of a trade route connecting Europe, the America's, and Africa.

What is the Colombian exchange/middle passage.


This conflict was the bloodiest to hit Europe since the Thirty Years' War a century prior. Ended by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Ended in an Anglo-Prussian-Portuguese victory.

What is the Seven Years' War.


The method by which nations sought to accumulate as much gold and silver as possible in the 'New World'.

What is Bullionism.