Who is the youngest person in the krakow hall
Idźcie wiec i pozyskujcie uczniów
Jesus. Mat 28:19
How many books are there in the New Testament
What city was Jesus born in
How many young ones are in the hall under 18?
18. If you counted more wow
To mój tata
What is the shortest book in the bible
After the 2020 update, how many colours can we highlight in on JW library
Which apostol first denied Jesus
How many THEME parties have the Polish krakow Kujszczyks done
80s, Neon, baby reveal
...swięty... (beginning of the prayer)
Jaki materiał pisarze biblijni używali do Biblii
Papirus 2 Tym 4:13
MAM CIĘ: What was today’s daily scriupture about
Piotra 3:8. Braterska Milość
Po tym jak jezus nakarmił 5000 ludzi ile koszyków zostało
12 Mark 8:19
Which couples name is Ryba, which couples name is mysza, which couples name is żaba, which couples name is misiek
Kozak, Lekas, Kujszczyk, Kujszczyk 3/4
Dont play
Paweł lekas
How many dreams are recorded in the bible, or how many songs
21, 185. (Close by 2,20)
What are the 4 apps we have for JWs
JW: library, sign language, event, language
Who recognized Jesus as the messiah when he was presented at the temple as a baby
Simeon. Luke 2:25-38
Kto wstał 3 razy i wszedł na scenę zanim skończył się film
Darek K
Na początku / na końcu prawie każdego zdania, kto mówi MS or B - depends who answering
Kasia K
MAM CIĘ: Jaka była ostatnia pieśń którą śpiewaliśmy.
Sunday March 12- pieśń 108 lojalna miłość Boża.
streaming March 2020 Canada: how many regular pioneers in Canada
13,487 (answer over 12,000 might be accepted- depends who answers)
O ile funtów przypraw użyto do owinięcia ciała Jezusa How many pounds of spices were used to wrap Jesus’ body?
John 19:39