Multiple Choice Part 1
Multiple Choice Part 2

Which of these statements most closely reflects the central idea of the passages on page 1?

A. The narrator’s relationship with her parents is complex and not entirely positive.

B. The narrator is stuck in Vietnam, where she was abandoned as a child.

C. The narrator’s parents made an exodus from Vietnam to America.

D. The narrator’s parents had achievements superior to the narrator when they were her age.

A. The narrator’s relationship with her parents is complex and not entirely positive.


Why does Bui feel guilty?

A Vietnamese tradition of children caring for their aging parents makes Bui feel guilty.

Which word means "beginning"?



Page 9 mainly shows that...

A. the mother is angry at her daughter for not participating in the activities she prefers

B. the narrator doesn’t like her mother’s cooking

C. the narrator also takes some responsibility for the distance between her and her mother

D. the narrator’s father has returned to Vietnam to finally meet his own dad

C. the narrator also takes some responsibility for the distance between her and her mother


Which of the following inferences is best supported by the line below (page 2)?

I don’t know exactly what it looks like, but I recognize what it is NOT, and now I understand proximity and closeness are not the same.

A. The narrator regrets leaving New York to be nearer to her parents.

B. After the trauma of war, the narrator’s parents lost their ability to feel intimacy.

C. The narrator’s parents resent her for not taking better care of them.

D. Although the narrator has moved nearer to her parents, their relationship is not fulfilling.

D. Although the narrator has moved nearer to her parents, their relationship is not fulfilling.


How is Bui’s relationship with her mother different than Bui’s relationship with her father?

Bui has trouble communicating with her parents. She and her mother shop, cook, and talk, but about superficial things. Her relationship with her father seems less tense but more distant.


Which word means "nearness"?



Which of these inferences about the narrator is best supported by the text?

A. She believes that knowing her past might help her deepen her relationship with her parents.

B. She wishes her parents would move back to Vietnam.

C. She fears what she will learn when looking at her family’s history.

D. Her parents are harboring a dangerous secret.

A. She believes that knowing her past might help her deepen her relationship with her parents.


Which of the following best states the central idea of page 4?

A. The father has only eaten canned soup for dinner for many months.

B. Differences in cultural norms between Vietnam and the United States cause anxiety and uncertainty in the narrator’s family.

C. The narrator wishes her parents were more active seniors, but she doesn’t know how to encourage them to get more physical activity.

D. Vietnam has different social norms for aging than the United States.

B. Differences in cultural norms between Vietnam and the United States cause anxiety and uncertainty in the narrator’s family.


What is the relationship between Bui’s father and his father like?

Bui’s father at first implies his father is dead. Later, when Bui finds out that her grandfather is alive and goes to visit him in Vietnam, Bui’s father refuses to join her. Bui never learns what might have created a problem between the two men.


Which word means "gulf"?



Which of these events happened FIRST?

A. The narrator feels distant from her parents, though they are neighbors.

B. The narrator argues with her mother over clothing and dinner.

C. The narrator and her family leave New York.

D. The narrator hopes to learn about her family’s roots in order to close the gulf.

C. The narrator and her family leave New York.


Which of these statements about the narrator is most strongly supported by page 5?

A. The way her mother dealt with her own parents resulted in a distant relationship.

B. Her mother hopes that one day her daughter will treat her in the way she treated her own parents.

C. She wishes that her mother would serve her tea and give her gifts.

D. Her grandparents felt distant from their own daughter.

A. The way her mother dealt with her own parents resulted in a distant relationship.


Why does Bui want to understand Vietnam?

She is hoping that if she can understand Vietnam as something more than the country they lost, she will understand her parents.


Which word means "bitterness"?



Which of these events happened LAST?

A. The narrator feels distant from her parents, though they are neighbors.

B. The narrator argues with her mother over clothing and dinner.

C. The narrator and her family leave New York.

D. The narrator hopes to learn about her family’s roots in order to close the gulf.

D. The narrator hopes to learn about her family’s roots in order to close the gulf.