Plot/Cause and Effect
Making Inferences
Text Evidence

What is the main setting in the chapter titled Marvellous Ears?

The BFG's cave. (Text Evidence +10 points)


What character trait would you use to describe the dialogue between the BFG and Sophie at the beginning of the chapter? 

Answers may vary. 

Examples: Caring, Considerate, Concerned

(Text Evidence +10 points)


What does the BFG mean when he calls Sophie a norphan? 

That she is an orphan. (Text Evidence +10 points)


When Sophie describe the punishment of being locked in the dark cellar the author includes the detail about rats creeping about to help the reader understand...

How terrible and frightening the cellar was. 


Why does the BFG stare at Sophie suspiciously? 

He is hesitant to tell her his big secret. 


What caused Mrs. Clonkers to lock the orphans in the cellar? 

Misbehavior (Text Evidence +10 points)


What character trait would you use to describe Sophie based on her reaction when the BFG tells her she can never go back home?

Answers may vary.

Examples:Relieved, Courageous, Brave

Text Evidence +10 points 


What does the word orphanage mean in the sentence, "that place you took me from was the village orphanage?"

Place where orphans live. (Text Evidence +10 points)


Based on the way the BFG treats Sophie how do you think he feels about her? 

He cares for her. (Text Evidence +10 points)


What does the BFG say he would dearly love to do?

Ride an elephant. (Text Evidence +10 points)


What important detail do we learn about the BFG's ears?

Not only are they enormous, they also help him hear dreams. 


How would you describe the relationship between the BFG and Sophie?

Friendly (Text Evidence +10 points)


Sophie describes the cellar of the orphanage as a horrid place. What is a synonym for horrid?

Answers may vary.

Examples: Terrible, Dreadful, Awful

Text Evidence +10 points


In the text it says that the BFG's eyes well up when Sophie talks about there being a possibility of the other giants eating her. What can the reader conclude about this action?

He is beginning to see her as a friend.


Why does the BFG say dreams are very mysterious things? 

They are always floating around looking for sleeping people.


What caused the flowers to scream?

Twisting the stem of the flower until it breaks. 

(Text Evidence +10 points) 


In the text it said that the BFG's face was ablaze with emotions, what was making him feel this way? 

The thoughts of his dreams. (Text Evidence +10 points) 


Sophie says the girls in the orphanage would dread Mrs. Clonker and the cellar. What does the word dread mean? 



Based on what you have read how would you describe the orphanage?

Answers may vary.

Examples: A very unhappy place


How does the BFG catch dreams?

With a long pole with a net on the end. (Text Evidence +10 points)


The BFG gives Sophie a hard stare because...

He thinks she called him a fibster. (Text Evidence +10 points)


How are the BFG and Sophie similar?

Answers may vary.E

Examples: Friendly, Curious, Alone

Text Evidence +10 points

The BFG describes the plants as scream when people twist or cut them. What is an antonym for the word scream? 



Based on what we have read and learned about both characters we can predict that they will 

Answers will vary.

Examples: Become friends, Be each others family, Stick together


What does the BFG tell Sophie about trees? 

They are living things just like you and me.

 (Text Evidence +10 points)