According to Romans 6:11, in what are we to be alive to God?
Christ Jesus our Lord
According to Romans 14:13, what should we not do to one another anymore?
According to the ABC for 1 Corinthians, being a relatively new city and more open to new ideas made Corinth a promising location for what to find a receptive audience?
the message of the risen Christ
According to 1 Corinthians 10:23, Paul said that all things were lawful to him, but that not all things are what and do what?
helpful, edify
God instructed Noah to build his ark out of ___.
Gopher wood
According to Romans 7:11, when sin took occasion by the commandment, what did Paul say it did to him?
deceived, killed
According to the ABC for Romans, believers are to use what two things distributed by God for one another's benefit?
gifts, abilities
According to 1 Corinthians 1:10, Paul pled that they would all speak what?
the same thing
According to 1 Corinthians 10:7, it is written that the people sat down and rose up to do what?
eat, drink, play
"God Answers Prophet's Prayer With Fire." "Israel Believes in Prophet's God After Altar Contest"
Who is this prophet?
According to the ABC for Romans, the character of God is revealed in His response to what?
the unrighteousness of humanity
According to Romans 15:29, in what did Paul say he would come to them?
the fullness of the blessing of the gospel of Christ
According to 1 Corinthians 1:12, who did each of them say they were of?
Paul, Apollos, Cephas, Christ
According to 1 Corinthians 14:37, Paul said that anyone who thought himself to be what should acknowledge that what he wrote to them were the commandments of the Lord?
a prophet, spiritual
What was Shadrach's Hebrew name?
According to Romans 5:21, how does grace reign, to what, and through whom?
through righteousness, eternal life, Jesus Christ our Lord
According to Romans 13:4, fill-in-the-blanks: the one in authority is "God's _____, an _____ to execute _____ on him who practices _____."
minister, avenger, wrath, evil
According to 1 Corinthians 8:4, what two things do we know about the eating of things offered to idols?
an idol is nothing in this world, there is no other God but one
According to 1 Corinthians 15:9, why did Paul say he was not worthy to be called an apostle?
because I persecuted the church of God
What was the name of the young man who fell asleep and fell while Paul was preaching?
According to Romans 1:21, fill-in-the-blanks: those who did not glorify God "became _____ in their _____, and their _____ hearts were _____."
futile, thoughts, foolish, darkened
According to Romans 12:12-13, fill-in-the-blanks: We are to serve the Lord "rejoicing in _____, patient in _____, continuing steadfastly in _____; distributing to the _____ of the _____, given to _____.
hope, tribulation, prayer, needs, saints, hospitality
According to 1 Corinthians 3:5, what did Paul say that he and Apollos were?
ministers through whom you believed
According to the ABC for 1 Corinthians, we learn about the experience of Christian believers living in a Roman pagan city under the influence of its what?
idolatry, immorality, deep interest in human wisdom
Where was Jesus crucified?