What is Holy?
It's Doctrine is Holy.
What happens when you practice it?
Practice it to be holy.
Who is it a staff for?
Who does it show us is the main objective?
It shows Jesus Christ as the main objective.
What is Precious?
It's Precepts are Precious.
What does contain to guide us?
The Bible contains light to guide us.
Who is it a compass for?
It is a Pilot's Compass.
What does the bible show us that is restored?
How are it's stories?
It's stories are Truthful.
It is food for nourishment.
Who is it a sword for?
What does it show us that is open?
Is Shows us an Open Heaven.
By reading it you become _______?
It gives us two things, what are they?
It gives us encouragement and comfort.
Who is it a Title for?
It is a Christian's Title.
What is the fundamental purpose of the bible?
The Fundamental Purpose of The Bible is Jesus Christ.
How does believing in it help you?
Believe in it to be secure.
The bible is the map of the traveler.
What doors does it uncover?
Where does it command?
It commands in the heart.