Total Old Testament Books
This word has the meaning of "God-breathed"
He wrote most New Testament epistles
The Apostle Paul
The process of translating words or text from one language into another.
Absolute Truth
The New Testament book of Acts is categorized as this type of book
These were given to Moses at Mt. Sinai
The Ten Commandments
He wrote most of the Psalms
The sacred writings of God contained in the Bible
To understand the Bible we must have this type of mind.
Open Mind
The number of epistles contained in the New Testament
Who guided the inspired writers of the Bible?
The Holy Spirit
How many years were involved in writing the Bible?
Around 1,500
Word for word translation
Literal Translation
If we disagree this can be true...
One is right and the other is wrong.
Both are wrong
These Old Testament books of prophecy are divided into 2 categories
The Major Prophets and the Minor Prophets
God's Seed promise to Abraham was fulfilled by whom?
A writer within the book of Psalms we know little about
Asaph, Heman, or Ethan
Most of the New Testament was written in this language.
The parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning.
The Apostle Peter states that holy men of God did this as they were moved by the Holy Spirit
Considering only the word count, this New Testament book is the shortest in the entire Bible
3rd John (Less than 300 words)
Thought for Thought Translation
Dynamic Equivalence
A question to ask when finding the context of a Bible passage.
-Who said it?
-To whom did he say it?
-Why did he say it?
-When did he say it?
-How does it apply to me?