Long ago the Old Testament was referred to as this Bible, the original language most of the Old Testament was written in
Letter to Philippi
Most Americans haven't hand-written and sent a personal this in over 5 years. We call them letters now.
Translated into more than 2,000 languages, this book is the most popular and best-selling book of all time
The Bible
Process of recognizing which books were considered Scripture by the people of God
Even if you didn't know this as the fourth book of the Bible, you might think it was a mathematical book
You have a 50/50 chance, which book comes first 1 John or 2 Peter?
2 Peter
Over 40% of the Bible is compromised of this type of literay style, which simply tells the story of what happened
How many books are there in the Bible?
By 400 AD, this many books of our New Testament canon were recognized as sacred writings that should serve as our rule of faith
Used to refer to the first five books of the Bible, this Hebrew word is usually translated as “law”
The Torah
This books sounds like a chopping tool and is a book of history
Collection of Wisdom and Discipline, Also follows Psalms
Like a square, the Wesleyan Quadrilateral is the idea that God is revealed to us in this many ways
The process of deeming a text a part of the canon began with an event and then that event being spread in what way
Orally/Word of Mouth
If you turn! turn! turn! the pages of the Bible, you’ll find this book right after Proverbs
1st and 2nd _____ are named for one of Jesus' main disciples
Three of the four gospels are “synoptic,” or similar in presentation; this fourth one is the outlier
The Old Testament has this many books that can be divided into 3 parts, the Law, Prophets, and Writings
This emperor was the first to convert to Christianity. He also made Christianity the main religion of Rome.
Probably all of us know the last book of the New Testament, but what about the Old
If you turn! turn! turn! the pages of the Bible, you’ll find this book right after Hebrews
Habakkuk & Nahum are among the books of the “minor” these–hey, not everyone can be an Ezekiel or an Isaiah!
The New Testament has 1 book with a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd book (John) and 4 books with a 1st and 2nd book (Corinthians, Thessalonians, Timothy, & Peter), how many books of the Old Testament have a 1st and 2nd book?
The first Christian writings of the New Testament were
Paul's Letters