2 Peter 1:21
Who told men what to write?
God the Holy Spirit
Deuteronomy 6:4
God is one.
What does John 17:17 say the Bible is?
According to John 20:31, Why did God give us the Bible?
So that we may believe.
The Bible is whose Word?
Psalm 19:1
God is our creator. He is wise and powerful.
What does 2 Timothy 3:16 say the Bible is?
According to 2 Timothy 3:15, why did God give us the Bible?
to teach us his plan for salvation.
How many mistakes are in the Bible?
Psalm 90:2
He is everlasting.
What does 2 Timothy 3:15 say the Bible is?
According to John 3:16, why did God give us the Bible?
So that we can learn why he sent Jesus and how we are saved.
Name one person whom God used to write the Bible.
Moses, Matthew, Paul, etc.
Matthew 28:19
He is triune. (three persons)
Why do we call the scriptures holy?
They are pure, without mistakes.
What can the Bible tell us that no other book can?
How God loves us and saved us through Jesus.
What does 2 Peter 1:21 tell us about verbal inspiration?
God told men what to write.
What can nature not tell us about God?
Nature can't tell us how we are saved.
Why is it dangerous to believe the Bible may contain a few mistakes?
answers will vary.
What is the main purpose of the Bible?
It tells us how we are saved.