Biblical Exegesis
Literary Genres
The Bible
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A Greek word that means “books,” a collection of sacred books containing the truth of God’s Revelation.
What is the Bible?
The critical interpretation and explanation of a biblical text.
What is Biblical Exegesis?
True or false: It is not important to understand the literary genre that the author of the bible passage was writing in.
What is false?
This person is the source of Scripture.
Who is God?
A solemn agreement between human beings or between God and a human being in which mutual commitments are made.
What is a covenant?
From the Latin redemptio, meaning “a buying back,” referring, in the Old Testament, to Yahweh’s deliverance of Israel and, in the New Testament, to Christ’s deliverance of all Christians from the forces of sin.
What is Redemption?
This sense of Scripture asks us to look at what the author is actually trying to say.
What is the Literal Sense?
Authors in the bible occasionally use these, which are comparisons of one thing to another, using the word "like" or "as".
What is a simile?
What are the two MAIN sections in the Bible?
What are the Old and New Testament?
Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the synthesis in written form of the message of salvation that has been passed down in the oral tradition.
What is written tradition?
The celebration of the entire Mass. The term sometimes refers specifically to the consecrated bread and wine that have become the Body and Blood of Christ.
What is the Eucharist?
This sense of Scripture teaches us how to act; how to do good and avoid sin.
What is the moral sense?
Authors in the bible occasionally use these, it's when you apply a word or phrase to an object that isn't applicable.
What is a metaphor?
What is the number of books in the entire bible?
Saint Jerome’s Latin translation of the Bible completed in the early fifth century AD.
What is the Vulgate?
The use of philosophical methods to better understand revealed truth in Sacred Scripture.
What is Scholastic Theology?
This sense of Scripture always points us to Christ.
What is allegorical sense?
This genre: "Abraham became the father of Isaac, Isaac the father of Jacob, Jacob the father of Judah and his brothers. Judah became the father of Perez and Zerah, whose mother was Tamar.Perez became the father of Hezron, Hezron the father of Ram, Ram the father of Amminadab. Amminadab became the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon, Salmon the father of Boaz..."
What is a family genealogy?
This guy translated the bible into Latin; now known as the Vulgate.
Who is St. Jerome?
A term used by Catholics to refer to the seven Old Testament books in the Catholic canon that have been excluded/removed from the Protestant Bible.
What is Deuterocanonical?
A solemn vow and contract to which God is a witness. It is a synonym of covenant.
What is Testament?
This sense of scripture that points us to heaven.
What is the Anagogical Sense?
This literary genre: "One is not a Jew outwardly. True circumcision is not outward, in the flesh. Rather, one is a Jew inwardly, and circumcision is of the heart, in the spirit, not the letter; his praise is not from human beings but from God."
What is complicated theology?
St. Timothy said that these things are the purpose of Sacred Scripture.
What is teaching, reproof, correction, and teaching in righteousness?
The coherence of individual doctrines with the whole of Revelation. Each doctrine is connected with Revelation, each doctrine is also connected with other doctrines.
What is analogy of faith?