There Is A Solution
More About Alcoholism
The Promises and Traditions
Into Action
In the chapter entitled “There is a Solution”, The three types of drinkers mentioned are moderate drinkers, real alcoholics and this type of drinker?”
What is: “the hard drinker”
In the chapter entitled “More About Alcoholism”, What was the opening sentence?”
What is: “Most of us have been unwilling to admit we were real alcoholics”
Every A.A. group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions, is what tradition?
What is "the 7th"
According to “Into Action”, In referring to our eighth and ninth steps, if we are painstaking about this phase of our development we will comprehend ______ and we will know peace?”
What is: “serenity”
According to “Working with Others”, We should be careful not to brand a new prospect as this, but should let him draw his own conclusions?”
What is: “an alcoholic”
According to “There is a Solution”, Moderate drinkers have little or no trouble doing this?”
What is: “giving up liquor entirely”
In According to “More About Alcoholism”, For most of us, our drinking careers have been characterized by countless vain attempts to prove that we can do this?”
What is: “prove that we can drink like other people”
Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change, is which promise?
What is "The 8th"
According to “Into Action”, In referring to our eighth and ninth steps, if we are painstaking about this phase of our development we are going to know these two new things?”
What are: “a new freedom and a new happiness?”

What time does Sobriety Buzz start in Ireland.

When is: 7pm

According to “There is a Solution”, Let an alcoholic drink for a day and he frequently becomes disgustingly and even dangerously this?”
What is: “anti-social”
According to “More About Alcoholism”, The internal struggle to regain conrol of our drinking led in time to this type of demoralization?”
What was: “pitiful and incomprehensible”
Promise 10 states, "We will intuitively know how to ______ which used to baffle us.
What is: "Handle situations"
According to “Into Action”, ____ and tolerance of others is our code?”
What is: “love”
What is the year and location of the first ever International AA Convention.
What is: "Cleveland in 1950"
According to “There is a Solution”, Having passed the region from which there is no return, what two alternatives were left to us?”
What is: “To go on to the bitter end blotting out the conciousness of our intolerable situation or to accept spiritual help.”
According to “More About Alcoholism”, Relates the story of a problem drinker who remained “bone dry” for this many years, only to fall victim to alcoholism again, dying only four years after resuming drinking?”
What is: “25”
The 9th Tradition states, "A.A., as such, ought never be _______; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve"
What is: "Organized"
According to “Into Action”, A remorseful mumbling that we are sorry won’t __________?”
What is: “Fill the bill at all”
How many languages is the Big Book translated into?
What is: "67"
According to “There is a Solution”, What should be the central fact in our lives today?”
What is: “The certainty that our Creator has entered into our hearts in a way that is indeed miraculous”
According to “More About Alcoholism”, To be gravely affected one does not necessarily have to drink a long time nor in great quantity. This is particularly true of this group of potential alcoholics?”
What are: “young people or women”
The 12th Tradition states, "Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place ______ ________ ________."
What is: "Principles before personalities"
According to “Into Action”, Our thought life will be placed on a much higher plane when our thinking is cleared of this?”
What are: “wrong motives”
The "Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions" was originally published in what year?
What is: "1952"