From what meme genre is this meme based on?
Rage comics
What is Gogmans favorite video game franchise?
What movie was rereleased to the public 3 times with no success?
How many balls are on a pool table at the start of a game?
What is the best-selling video game of all time?
‘Coffin Dance’ where a group of dancing pallbearers carried a coffin on their shoulders and danced as it was the last wish of the deceased. Which country did this video originate from?
How many Exs does Gogman have?
What was Disney Pixars first movie?
Toy Story 1995
What is the highest-grossing holiday movie of all time?
Home Alone
What sequence of buttons do you need to press to do the Konami code?
Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
What year was the first appearance of the cinnamon challenge online?
Which is the highest rank Gogman has reached in taekwondo?
Half Black Belt
Which actor/actress is named the Bone Breaker?*
Fang Shilong (Jackie Chan)
Where is Lego from?
Billund, Denmark
What is the original name of the Tetris theme?
Red Army Choir: Korobeiniki
In 2020 out of what material was everything made out of?
In the army, what was the position of Gogman?
Communications Trainee
Who directed "Matilda"?
Danny Devito
What item is the werewolf most afraid of?
In Skyrim, what Legendary item can be found on the tip of the Throat of the World?
Notched Pickaxe
Uh oh stinky monkey meme
What was Gogmans first paying job?
IT for the Navy
What is the highest-grossing R-rated movie of all time?
Area 51 is located in which US state?