
Many Americans shame Russian civilians that support the invasion. These civilians, however, have limited access to social media and are exposed to news that paints Putin as a hero. 

It's important to personally analyze ALL perspectives during conflict instead of 'mindlessly' consuming media and pinning blame. 

After the invasion, American inflation skyrocketed, gas prices blew up, and stock prices crashed.  

There are huge economic consequences of war that would affect everyone - not just those directly involved. 


Russia was threatened by Ukraine's desire to join NATO and invaded to protect its citizens from opposing democratic ideals. 

Political polarization can negatively affect not just politics, but ALL aspects of our lives (wartime consequences).


Western powers stand by their "commitment to human rights", but many nations fall short on prioritizing Ukrainians. 

Wars present moral crisis, as moral codes can often be seen as hypocritical during complacency. 


Facebook (Meta) has restricted false news accounts in order to stop the spread of misinformation about the Russia-Ukraine invasion. 

We must consume media information carefully and accurately so that we can foster a deeper understanding of what war really means.


Economic sanctions implemented by the US and other countries are targeting Russian income. 

Economic warfare often targets and causes detrimental effects on general civilian lives first, not the top 1%.


BONUS: What is the overarching lesson that we should take away while we continue to monitor this conflict and others in the future?

As the textbooks say, history repeats itself!