What animals are represented in "Mbube Mbube"?
A lion and a gazelle.
How many planets are there in the Solar System?
Eight planets.
What do you call a picture made with colors on a surface like canvas or paper?
A painting.
Where does "Sherlock Holmes and the Emerald Crown" take place?
In London.
What do you call a device that helps you travel in time?
A time machine.
What game did we learn to play with 6th grade students?
We learned how to play with marbles.
What are the names of the eight planets in the Solar System?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
What do you call a performance where actors tell a story on stage?
A play.
Who took the Emeralds?
Mary and Burnwell.
What is biomimicry?
Biomimicry is when we take ideas from nature to create new inventions and solve problems.
What is the name of the game we taught Infantil 5?
The name of the game is "Ampe".
What is a constellation?
A constellation is a group of stars that forms a pattern or a picture.
What are the seven major art forms?
Music, cinema, theater, sculpture, literature, painting, and architecture.
Where did Alexander hide the crown before it was stolen?
He hid it in his desk.
What is a long period of time with special events, or changes that marked history?
An era.
Explain how to play "Ampe".
1. You and the leader clap your hands twice and jump.
2. If you land on the same foot as the leader, you are eliminated.
3. If you land on the opposite foot, you win, and become the new leader.
How can clouds help us predict the weather?
By their shape and color.
What is the difference between a sculptor and an architect?
A sculptor can make a work of art for its own sake, while an architect must create a design for a specific purpose.
Why did the famous man give Alexander Holder the Emerald Crown?
He gave it as a guarantee because he needed to borrow money from the bank.
What is a time capsule made for?
A time capsule is made to preserve memories, so that future generations can learn about what happened in the past.
Explain how to play "Mbube Mbube".
1.The lion and the gazelle are blindfolded.
2. The watchers stand around them and say "Beware of the lion!". If the lion and the gazelle are close to each other, the watchers scream; if they are far apart, the watchers whisper.
3. The lion must catch the gazelle, while the gazelle needs to escape the lion.
How did people use constellations in the past?
They used constellations to keep track of the calendar and to locate themselves while navigating.
Why did Aboriginal people use dot painting?
They used dot painting to hide secret information.
Explain how Sherlock Holmes solved the case.
The teacher will evaluate the answer.
What is heritage?
Heritage is the traditions, culture, and history that are passed down from one generation to another.