What is the name of the dog in Garfield
Odie or Futte
What is the highest grossing movie?
What is the curently most played game?
Counter Strike 2
Which fantasy trilogy has inspired most modern fantasy?
The lord of the Rings
Jakob Stegelmann
Which comic was widely popular but has recieved a lot of backlash with some of it's issues
How many live action Star Wars movies are there?
What are the current generation of consoles called?
Microsoft's Xbox Series X and S, Sony's PlayStation 5 and the Nintendo Switch
Who is the Author of the best selling book of all time?
Hint: The book is called: A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens
When did Troldspejlet start?
Who created spiderman?
Stan Lee and Steve Ditko
What two movies although very different was linked together this year and inspired many memes
Barbie and Oppenheimer
What besides video games are the company Valve best known for?
What is the most sold Harry Potter book?
Harry Potter and the philosophers stone
What is the current format of the show
A podcast
Which comic later turned tv-show features a former sherif, his wife, son and old partner in the post apocalyps
The Walking Dead
What type of terminator is arnold schwarzenegger in the termintor movies?
When was the first video game created?
Which danish author wrote the book "Hærwærk" and is related to Ida
Tom Kristensen (Idas grandfather)
What other DR shows have run longer than Troldspejlet
TV-avisen and Søren Ryge Præsentere
Which is the best selling comic series of all time?
One Piece (Manga) 516.5 million
Asterix 385 million
What is the name of the first dog in the John Wick films?
What is MMO RPG an abbreviation of?
Massive multiplayer online roleplaying game
What famous danish woman ilustrated under the name Ingahild Grathmer a later published version of The Lord of the Rings?
Queen Margrethe II
What other family member of Jakob Stegelmann is also part of the cast and what is their name?
His son Benjamin Stegelmann