Mental Wellbeing
Factors Influencing Mental Wellbeing
Biopsychosocial Model - Risk Factors
Biopsychosocial Model - Protective Factors
SEWB Domain Model

The term that describes a state of overall mental health and happiness?

What is mental wellbeing?


Common biological factor that can influence mental wellbeing.

What is genetics or brain chemistry?


The predisposition to certain mental health disorders.

What is a biological risk factor?


A healthy life style and regular exercise. 

What is a biological protective factor?


The concept of cultural continuity within the SEWB Domain Model.

What is maintaining cultural traditions, practices, and connections?


Social factors that impact mental wellbeing.

What is social support, relationships, and socioeconomic status?


Chronic stress or trauma.

What is a psychological risk factor?


Strong coping skills or resilience.

What is a psychological protective factor?


The importance of social and emotional skills development.

What is how social and emotional skills contribute to resilience, communication, and relationships.


Strategies that can be used to improve mental wellbeing.

What is mindfulness, exercise, social support, and seeking professional help?


Psychological factors such as stress influence mental wellbeing.

What is resilience and self-efficacy?


Social support, poverty, or exposure to violence.

What is a social risk factor?


Access to quality healthcare and a supportive social network.

What is a social protective factor?


Historical trauma impacts people and the way they feel.

What is historical trauma affects the sense of self and impacts upon the way people view themselves?


The concept of resilience in relation to mental wellbeing.

What is the ability to bounce back from adversity or difficult situations?


Discuss how cultural factors can influence mental wellbeing.

What is cultural norms, beliefs, and values impacting attitudes toward mental health and help seeking?


The role of genetics in understanding biological risk factors in mental health.

What is the study of genes and their contributions to the development of mental disorders?


The significance of cultural identity in the SEWB Domain Model. 

What is cultural identity contributing to a sense of belonging, connection, and overall wellbeing?


 The concept of wellbeing and its significance in mental health. 

What is the overall evaluation of an individual's life satisfaction, positive emotions, and sense of purpose?


Describe the impact of early childhood experiences on mental wellbeing.

What is childhood experiences can result in lowered levels of resilience, and can increase the likelihood of trauma or mental illness?


Explain the role of community resilience in promoting mental health in the aftermath of natural disasters.

What is the collective ability to adapt, recover, and thrive despite experiencing significant stress and trauma?


 The role of spirituality in the SEWB Model and it's impact on mental wellbeing.

What is spirituality contributes to resilience, coping mechanisms, and sense of purpose?