Where did the boys meet to hangout?
What happened to Gordies brother?
He died in a car accident
What did he take from his father?
What is a Gun
What was the name of the dead body
Why did teddy cry after they visited the junkyard?
Milo insulted Teddys father
Who was the leader of the gang
Who is Chris
How do Gordies parent treat him?
They mostly ignored him
What is the name of Verns brother?
Who is Billy
How does teddy want to cross the train tracks?
He wants to hang under the bridge until the train crossed the bridge.
What covered the boys when they went in the water?
What are leeches
What was Gordies inevitable occupation?
What is a writer
When the boys were in the junkyard and spun coins, what did four tails mean?
What is bad luck
He became deaf
What do the boys do in the treehouse that made them close?
Smoking, playing poker, and reading women's magazines.
What did Gordie and vern do to avoid the train?
They jumped from a bridge onto a rock
What year do the events of this story take place?