Acts General
ACTS 1-7
ACTS 8-14
ACTS 15-21
ACTS 22-28

Who wrote the book of Acts? What is the FULL name of the book? 

Luke; Acts of the Apostles


How many people did Peter bring to Jesus in one sermon when the Holy Spirit Came? What did he do to do it?

3000; Gave a Speech


What was Paul's previous name? What condition does he contract? Who met him on the road? Who did he need to meet and where to fix his condition?

Saul; Blindness; Jesus; Ananias in Damascus

What natural disaster opened the doors of the prison for Paul while they were praying? Who was with him? 

An earthquake; Silas


What language does Paul Speak to the people when he is first arrested in Jerusalem? Why is he able to receive better treatment than most prisoners?

Aramaic/Hebrew; He's a Roman Citizen. 


What was Paul's Occupation? What religious group was he a part of before he was a Christian? 




Name two healings done by Peter and John in Acts. 

Lame Beggar (3) 

Healing Sick (5)
Impure Spirits (5)


Who rescues Peter from prison? Whose house does he go to? Who answers the door? 

An angel; Mary mother of John; Rhoda


Who walks into Jerusalem and is arrested? What "gift" is given to them as a blessing as they travel to the city? Name two of the places they travel through to get to Jerusalem. 

Paul; a belt; Kos, Rhodes, Patara, Phoenecia, Tyre, Syria, Ptolemais


What are the names of the Roman Governors that oversaw the trial of Paul after the Sanhedrin? Who does Paul say he wants to be his judge of his trial, aka, who does he appeal to?



Agrippa (King)

Caesar (Emperor)


What is the "Official" term for Jesus returning to heaven? What is the "Official" term for the day the Holy Spirit descended from heaven? 

Ascension and Pentecost


This couple committed a sin that resulted in their death. What are their names? What was their sin? 

Ananias and Sapphira; they lied and withheld belongings from the church

How does Paul heal Aeneas? How does he heal Tabitha? 

Helped him walk, brought her back to life


What God/Goddess is worshipped in Ephesus? What group of people work together to stop Paul spreading Jesus' name? What do they do to stop him?

Artemis; Silversmiths; Start a riot!


Where is Paul sailing to in this section? What happens during their trip? Where do they stop before reaching their final desitnation? What bites him? 

Rome, storm/shipwreck, Malta, a Snake


What "genre" or style of writing is the Book of Acts? What is Theophilus' role in the book of Acts?

A letter! He is the adressee/recipient of the letter. 


Who is chosen in place of Judas among the Disciples? What is the name of their other candidate?

Matthias; Joseph/Barabbas/Justus


Name 5 cities Peter and the apostles go to to spread the name of Jesus. 

Antioch, Lystra, Derbe, Iconium, Cyprus, Seleucia


Why are Paul and Silas sent to prison? What do Paul and Silas do after they get out of Prison?

Paul heals a slave with an impure spirit being used by her masters for fortune-telling. Go to the soldier's house and baptize his family.


What does Paul do when he gets to Rome? What happens during is trial with Caesar?

House Arrest; there is no recorded trial!


Name 3 of Paul's traveling companions or friends from ANYWHERE in the Bible - have to show it!

Silas, Barnabas, Timothy, Onesimus, Phoebe, Aristarchus, Mark, Titus, Gaius


What is a martyr? Who is the first Christian martyr and how did they die? What did they see at their trial? 

Dying for beliefs; Stephen; Stoning; Jesus seated next to God!


What was Peter's dream? What does it have to do with Cornelius the Centurion?

Peter sees a sheet full of food. God tells him to eat and declares it clean, what was previously thought unclean. More than food, this applies to the divide between Jews and Gentiles, who were considered unclean. 


Who was Apollos? What was his problem? Who helps him? 

He was sharing the word of Jesus; he didn't know the full story; Priscilla and Aquila


What is the Sanhedrin? What two sects/groups of people argued about Paul there, and what was their argument about? 

Jewish court; Sadducees and the Pharisees; the resurrection!