When it comes to listening, James encourages believers to?
Be quick to listen (1:19)
Faith without deeds is _______.
Dead 2:26
According to James, not many should desire to be a _____________________ because they will be judged more strictly.
Teachers 3:1
Where do fights and quarrels come from?
The desires that battle within you 4:1
"Above all, my brothers and sisters, do to swear- not by heaven or by earth or by anything else. All you need to say is a simple ___________."
yes or no 5:12
Who is James believed to be?
The brother of Jesus (Mark 6:3)
James contrasts a wealthy man wearing fine clothes and a poor man in filthy clothes to illustrate what principle?
Do not show favoritism 2:1
What three metaphors does James use to describe the power of the tongue?
Horse bits, ship rudders and fire 3:3-6
God opposes the proud but gives grace (or favor) to the ________________.
humble 4:6
What does James say to do if you are in trouble?
Pray 5:13
According to James anyone who listens to the Word but does not do what it says, ....?
Is like someone that looks into a mirror but forgets what he looks like 1:24
James said the Royal Law in scripture is __________.
Love your neighbor as yourself 2:8
Out of the same mouth come ____________.
praise and cursing 3:10
If you come near to God, He will _____________.
come near to you 4:8
Who does James use as an example of earnest prayer?
Elijah 5:17
"When you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like___________?"
A wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind 1:6
What triumphs over judgement?
Mercy 2:13
For where you have ________________, there you find disorder and every evil practice.
envy and selfish ambition 3:16
What advice does James give about the future?
Don't boast about tomorrow 4:13
"The prayer of a righteous person is __________"
powerful and effective 5:16
According to James, what is pure religion?
To look after the orphans and widows and keep yourself unpolluted by the world. 1:27
"For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point _________________"
Is guilty of breaking all of it 2:10
What is considered pure, peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere?
A truly righteous person 3:17
Bonus Question:
What is your life but a ____________
Midst that appears for a time and then vanishes
Bonus Question:
Who are our three examples of patience?
Farmer (keep working)
Prophets (keep sharing the gospel)
Job (stay faithful and you will be purified)