This character is known as "the book thief."
Who is Liesel?
This is the title of the first book that Liesel steals.
What is The Gravedigger's Handbook?
Death associates these three colors with Liesel and her life.
What is red, black, and white?
These five characters survive the events of the war.
Who are Alex, Liesel, Max, Ilsa, and the mayor?
This is what Rudy gives Liesel after his races.
What are medals?
This is nearness in space, time, or relationship.
What is proximity?
This character trades cigarettes for books.
Who is Hans?
The "midnight class" begins by Hans and Liesel reading this.
What is The Gravedigger’s Handbook?
This character is coughing while on the train and suddenly dies.
Who is Werner?
This character's death was described with the following: "In her final visions, she saw her three children, her grandchildren, her husband, and the long list of lives that merged with hers."
Who is Liesel?
This is what Hans carried with him when he went to paint for customers.
What is an accordion?
This words means to scold or criticize someone angrily.
What is berate?
This woman is "good in a crisis."
Who is Rosa?
To show allegiance to Hitler, citizens do this on his birthday.
What is burn books?
Liesel would not do this for weeks when she first arrived at the Hubermanns' until Hans finally convinced her to.
What is bathe?
This character's death was described with the following lines: "He was tall in the bed and I could see the silver through his eyelids. His soul sat up. It met me. Those kinds of souls always do-the best ones."
Who is Hans?
This is what Death gives some of the Jewish deceased.
What is kisses?
This words means bold, daring, or recklessly brave.
What is audacious?
This woman spits on the Hubermanns' front door every time she passed.
Who is Frau Holtzapfel?
This is what Hans threatens to do if Liesel tells anyone about Max.
What is burn all of her books?
These are the three items Hans sends to Max for Max to be able to travel to Himmel Street.
What is a key, a map, and Mein Kampf?
This character's death was described in the following way: "I truly think I picked her up mid snore, for her mouth was open and her papery pink lips were still in the act of moving. If she’d seen me, I’m sure she would have called me a Saukerl…"
Who is Rosa?
This is what Rosa claims Liesel took from her during a school visit.
What is a hairbrush?
This word means out of place, not as planned, or askew.
What is awry?
Death felt that this person's death was the saddest because this character was not comforted as they died.
Who is Rudy?
This was a story Max wrote about how men/Liesel influenced his life.
What is The Standover Man?
This hobby "cements" Liesel and Rudy's friendship in Part 3.
What is stealing?
This character's death was described in the following way: "Where was someone to alleviate this robbery of his life? Who was there to soothe him as life’s rug was snatched from under his sleeping feet?"
Who is Rudy?
This is the number of presents Liesel gave to Max in Part 6.
What is 13?
This word means bnormally thin or weak, often due to lack of food.
What is emaciated?
This character's son froze to death.
Who is Ilsa?
The last line of this story states, "The sun stirs the earth. Around and around, it stirs us, like stew."
What is The Last Human Stranger?
Completing this action got Hans on the bad side of the Nazis.
What is painting a Jewish shopkeeper's door?
This character's death was described in the following way: "A broken cup was in front of her and in a last moment of awakeness, her face seemed to ask just what in the hell had taken me so long."
Who is Frau Holtzapfel?
This is the number of washing customers Rosa has left in Part 6.
What is 0?
This words means to produce a large amount of something.
What is prolific?
When describing this character's death, Death stated, “They were frightened, no question, but they were not afraid of me. It was a fear of messing up and having to face themselves again, and facing the world, and the likes of you…he killed himself for wanting to live."
Who is Michael?
The last line of this story states, "…and he wondered at length when they would find the inspector’s body in that brand-new BMW."
What is The Whistler?
This is what Death hates the most about his job.
This character's death was described in the following way: "They were frightened, no question, but they were not afraid of me. It was a fear of messing up and having to face themselves again, and facing the world, and the likes of you…he killed himself for wanting to live."
Who is Michael?
This is what Max was holding during the basement inspection.
What are scissors?
This words means mockery or ridicule.
What is derision?