
If Bruno or Gretel was seen making conversation with Maria or Pavel by Father, how would he react? Why would he react this way?

Father would most likely do something bad to Maria or Pavel because they are of a lower class than Bruno or Gretel have been put to. 


What can you infer about Pavel and Shmuel growing thinner and thinner every day?

Pavel and Shmuel aren't being fed very well on the other side of the fence, causing them to grow very thin.


What impact does Father's job have on Bruno?

Father's job caused Bruno and the rest of his family to move away to a place far away, with no one to talk to, and a whole new lifestyle to adjust to, a lifestyle that Bruno doesn't like. 


What is one of the main things that Bruno learns after talking to Shmuel?

1. There are so many more people on the other side of the fence that look as thin and malnourished as Shmuel does.

2. Shmuel had a normal life before living behind a fence. 

3. Bruno and Shmuel have so much in common, and continue their friendship, despite a barrier between them.


What does Shmuel think of Lieutenant Kotler?

Shmuel thinks Kotler is rude, mean, and just a bad person. 


After Bruno told Gretel about his "imaginary friend", what could be one word to describe what Gretel thinks of Bruno?

Foolish, childish, dumb, e.t.c

(words like these)


Can you infer how Maria and the other servants felt about the Fury coming to the Out-With home?

Maria and the other servants must have felt scared for their futures if they had made a wrong move in front of the Fury. 


What impact does the Fury have on Father?

The Fury causes Father to act "put together", and more formal, since the Fury is Father's boss. It made Father think more about his job and less about the well-beings of his children.


What was revealed about Pavel from Maria and Bruno's interaction?

It was revealed that Pavel lived on the other side of the fence, and that he once was a doctor before he was taken away. It is revealed that he is similar to Shmuel.


Does Mother agree with Father's ideas?

No, she doesn't, but she can not speak out about it because Father holds much more power over her. She doesn't have the choice or the authority to speak up against her husband.


What does Bruno learn from talking to Shmuel every day?

Bruno learns more about Shmuel's life and the struggles he faces on the other side of the fence. 


What can you infer about Shmuel's bruises?

A soldier (likely Kotler) beat him for "stealing" the food from Bruno's house, although Shmuel claimed that he did not

What impact does Kotler have on Bruno?

At first, Bruno though Kotler was annoying and rude. But now, Bruno thinks that there is something more to Kotler, because of the conversation he had with Father and Shmuel. 


What has Bruno realized about Out-With?

Bruno has realized that although his life in Out-With is worser than in Berlin, it hasn't become unbearable, because he now has a friend to talk to every day.


How does Bruno's thoughts about Eva differ from his thoughts about the Fury?

Bruno thinks Eva is much kinder than her husband is. Bruno likes Eva's sweet personality more than the Fury's belittling one. 


Why did Kotler treat Pavel so harshly, according to Bruno, after he accidentally spilled the wine?

Kotler treated Pavel so harshly after he spilled the bottle of wine because it is implied that Pavel is of a lower class than Kotler, and has no room to make a mistake. 

What can you infer happened to Pavel after he spilled the wine on Kotler?

As a result of Kotler's anger, he killed Pavel from his beatings


What impact does the fence have on Bruno and Shmuel? 

The fence divides the two and their friendship, despite having so many similarities. It also showcases the difference between the way they are both treated.


What does Bruno start to realize about Gretel?

Bruno starts to realize that Gretel isn't that bad to talk to, and is more than just a Hopeless Case. He starts to talk to her more as a result of this discovery.


What does Eva think of her husband, the Fury?

Despite everyone else being afraid of the Fury, Eva is not intimidated by him whatsoever. She is more annoyed at him, for barking orders at her and telling her what to do all the time. 


What can be learned through Father and Mother's interactions and dialogue throughout the story?

Throughout the story, Father voices his opinions, and his opinions and decisions are "facts" that have to be followed by everyone. Mother, on the other hand, doesn't seem to agree with all of Father's choices, but can not speak up about it, just because Father has more authority and power


Can you infer what would happen if Mother saw Bruno and Shmuel shaking hands?

She might have hurried Bruno inside the house so that no one else would have seen the two interacting. She would not have done or said anything to harm Shmuel, though


What impact does the spilling of the wine bottle have on Bruno?

The spilling of the wine bottle shows Bruno the other side to Kotler, based on what he did to Pavel after he spilled the bottle


Have Bruno's discoveries made an impact on Bruno's perspective on something? If so, what?

Yes, Bruno's discoveries have made an impact on Bruno's perspective on Out-With, and the people that he spends time with every day.


What does Father think of Kotler, after Kotler told him about his father moving from Germany during its time of power?

Father is suspicious of Kotler, and feels that Kotler and his father might not be loyal to the German government, especially during the conflict occurring currently.