Text Evidence
Figurative Language

What does the word phenomenal mean?

miraculous, amazing, or great


What is the theme of this story?

Caley liked to prank people. She would climb up on the tree outside of her house then call for help. When her family and friends ran outside to help her, she threw water balloons at them. This would make her family and friends very angry. One day, as Caley climbed the tree to pull another prank, she fell and hurt herself. "Help, help!" She yelled. But nobody came. They didn't want to be pranked.

Don't lie or people may not believe you when you are telling the truth. 


What is the conflict, or problem, that Tom faces in the story?

(What will happen if the team WINS?)

If the team wins, Alabaster Jones said that he would make sure Tom's school gets shut down. All of the people who work there would get fired, including Tom's parents.


Find a piece of text evidence to show why Tom is worried about winning the game after talking with Alabaster Jones.

He feels nervous, scared, and intimidated. He didn't know if he wanted his team to win or lose.

According to the text, "Tom started thinking. If the team wins tomorrow, his parents could lose their jobs. Maybe even their house."


What does this figurative language mean? 

He let his thoughts fly loose, like leaves in the wind.

Tom did not hold his thoughts or feelings in...he let them all out and onto the paper. (His thoughts were not leaves in the wind. The author said that to show that his thoughts were freely flowing through his mind).


What does the word savor mean?

To enjoy as much as possible.


What is the theme of this story?

Kevon was walking home from school when he saw a little girl getting picked on by one of his classmates. He felt sorry for her, but he did not stop to help her. A few weeks later, the same classmate began picking on Kevon.

Stand up for what is right even if it's not affecting you.


Read this passage from the story.

“A lot of people are afraid of what might happen tomorrow. But we can’t be. Then whatever happens will turn out okay."

How does this speech from Rachel change the way Tom feels about the game?

It makes him feel like he can’t let his fears affect how he plays.


Find a piece of text evidence to show how Tom feels right after the team finishes practice.

He feels excited because he thinks his team has a chance to win the big game!


Why does the author compare the team to a caterpillar turning into a butterfly?

Because the team changed a lot, just like a caterpillar does when it turns into a butterfly. 

The team did not start out very good. But with a lot of practice, new members to the team (Cruz and Coach Del Gato), and determination, the team changed and became better.


What does the word lingered mean?

Delayed leaving, waited or hesitated.


What do you need to remember when writing a theme?

(What IS a theme and what is it NOT?)

A theme is the lesson or message or moral that the author wants you to learn. It is universal, meaning it can apply to ANYONE'S life. 

A theme is NOT one word. It does NOT have the characters' names in it or details from the story, because it needs to be able to apply to anyone's life - not just the lives of the characters.


Which of the following is the most likely reason readers (like YOU) might relate to Tom?

a. A lot of kids have professional baseball coaches.

b. Many people are scared of big challenges in their lives.

c. Everyone likes baseball.

b. Many people are scared of big challenges in their lives.


Find a piece of text evidence that shows what Tom decides to do at the end of the story. 

"Tom decided that no matter what, no matter if his parents lost their jobs and his family had to move. No matter what Mr. Jones did. Tom decided that he would play to WIN."


Why does the author write that the team was cocooned for days in the school library?

To show that the team spent a lot of time practicing together in a tight, small room. 


What does the word reserve mean?

An extra supply. (A reserve player is someone who is on the bench and isn't playing).


What is the theme of The Boy Who Saved Baseball?

Overcoming fear is the most important step in facing a challenge.


Which had the biggest influence on Tom’s decision at the end of the passage?

(What helped Tom decide whether he was going to play to win or to lose?)

The team's talk about how it's important to face your fears and not be scared.

Rachel said that when you have good intentions, good things happen, but when you do things out of fear, bad things happen.


Find a piece of text evidence that supports the theme of the story.

“I just think that when people do good things, good things happen...But when we do stuff out of fear, bad things happen."

"As long as we aren’t afraid of what’s going to happen tomorrow, it will turn out okay.”

"Tom did not know. But he did know one thing…Rachel was right. When he was scared, he did bad or stupid things. But when he let his mind fly above the fear, good things happened."


Read this sentence from the story.

Images of newscasters, landowners, outsiders, and locals who came to root or gloat, hate or berate, filled the movie screen of his mind. 

Why does the author compare his mind to a movie screen?

  1. Tom can’t focus on any one part of the day.

  2. Tom is replaying all of the day’s events in his mind.

  3. Tom is going to write a screenplay about the team.

2. Tom is replaying all of the day’s events in his mind.

He's thinking of everything that happened at practice that day!